The Black Forest cake

2023-10-29 13:26:23BAKING


  The Black Forest cake is one of the specialties of the Black Forest, the German word originally meaning "Black Forest cherry cream cake".It combines the sweetness of cherry sour cream with the sweetness of cherry wine to withstand the scrutiny of all tastes.The shape of this cake does not require a lot of kneading skills, because there is a chocolate chip decoration to cover, so students who are not good at baking flowers can try this method - cake base: whole egg juice 200g, low-fat flour 90g, cocoa powder 20g, fine sugar 125g, corn oil 35g cream filling: milk 160g, butter 20g, eggs 2, low-fat flour 10g, corn starch 6g, cherry wine 20ml, soft cream 300g, flour 20g cherry liquor: water 100ml, fine sugar 40g, cherry 30ml, red cherry juice 100ml surface decoration: soft cream 50g, powdered sugar 5g, chocolate



200 grams of whole eggs
100 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of cocoa powder
125 grams of fine sugar
35 grams of corn oil
160 grams of milk
20 grams of sugar
Two eggs.
6 grams of cornstarch
20 ml of cherry wine
300 grams of cream
20 grams of flour
100 ml of water
40 grams of fine sugar
30 ml of cherry wine
Red cherry juice 100 ml
50 grams of cream
5 grams of flour
Chocolate in moderation

How TO MADE The Black Forest cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Treat the mold first: apply a thin layer of butter on the inside of the mold, then sprinkle a moderate amount of high flour, peel off the excess flour, and prepare;

2. 200 g of egg yolk dispersed with 125 g of refined sugar, waterproofed

3. Add corn oil and stir evenly.

4. Sift 90 g of low-fat flour and 20 g of cocoa powder, stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour the dough into a cake mold with a thin layer of butter.

6. Put it in the middle of the oven, 180 degrees, 30 minutes.

7. After drying in the oven, remove the mold and divide it into three spare pieces.

8. Pour 40 g of sugar and 100 ml of water into a small pot, heat until the sugar melts, pour into the container to cool.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Wait for the sugar water to cool and pour it into 30 ml of cherry wine and stir.

10. Pour into 100 ml of cherry juice

11. Mix and match.

12. Add 20 g of vanilla sugar to the egg yolk and stir until slightly whitened;

Steps 13 to 16

13. Sieve into a mixture of 10 g low starch flour and 6 g cornstarch

14. Stir evenly

15. Boil the milk and pour half into the egg yolk.

16. Stir evenly and pour back into the remaining milk and continue stirring evenly.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Heat the small fire and stir until thick and then turn off the fire.

18. Dry until it's not too hot, cover it with a preservative film, and keep it cool.

19. Pour 20 ml of cherry wine into the chilled filling

20. Mix evenly and standby.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Add 20 grams of sugar powder to 300 grams of soft cream and send the ice water at a low speed.

22. Take 1/3 of the cream and pour it into the filling.

23. Stir and pour back into the remaining cream.

24. Keep stirring, and the filling is ready, and it's in the bag for backup.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Take a piece of cake and put it in a mold, brush the surface with cherry liquor and make it fully permeable.

26. Starting from the center, spiral from the inside to the outside, filled with cream, then place a moderate amount of cherry decorations

27. Put on the second layer of cake slices, continue as above: brush the liquor, squeeze the cream filling, place the cherries (the photo of the cherries forgot to take), put on the last slice of cake, and brush the liquor on the surface, remove the mold

28. The remaining cream is applied to the surface of the cake.

Steps 29 to 32

29. Scrape the chocolate with a spoon

30. The chocolate chips are glued to the sides of the cake as a decoration; then the cream (50 g of light cream + 5 g of sugar powder) is used to squeeze two circles of flowers into the cake, with the chocolate chips still in the middle as a decoration.

31. Map of the finished product

32. Map of the finished product

Steps 33 to 36

33. Map of the finished product

34. Map of the finished product

35. Map of the finished product

36. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  1. The whole egg is cooked with insulating water, which can make the cooked egg paste more stable and not easy to melt; 2. When stirring, pay attention to the method, using the flip-flop method, the action needs to be quick and light; 3. The cherry juice used to make cherry syrup is extracted from the canned cherry pie; 4.