My favourite macaroni

2023-10-29 13:26:36BAKING


  Ever since I met Makaron, I've been so in love with him that I can't help myself!



100 grams of almond powder
100 grams of sugar powder
Chen Yicheng 38
Eggs and eggs 31
Colored powder
Protein powder in moderation
100 grams of refined sugar
25 grams of water
160 grams of unsalted butter
50 grams of fine sugar
30 grams of water
36 grams of egg yolk
The right amount of perfume

How TO MADE My favourite macaroni

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the almond flour and sugar flour thoroughly with a hand-made egg beater.

2. The largest basin in the graph is the unmixed tpt state.

3. Then there's protein, then there's protein powder, then there's 100 grams of sugar powder with water.

4. A suitable amount of royal green powder toothpick is picked into the protein, stirred slightly evenly, and placed in the tpt for use.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Tpt is a mixture of sugar powder and almond powder.

6. Then, 100 g of sugar and 25 g of water are placed in a small pot and cooked over medium heat, inserted into the syrup thermometer and cooked to 118 degrees.

7. At the same time as boiling the sugar water, a small amount of protein powder is added to another protein and then released.

8. It's a state of moisture bubbles, and it's a state of sharp angles.

Steps 9 to 12

9. At the same time as boiling the sugar water, a small amount of protein powder is added to another protein and then released.

10. It's a state of moisture bubbles, and it's a state of sharp angles.

11. After the sugar water is cooked to 118 degrees, it is poured into the protein in step three at a very slow rate, generally it can be poured in 4-6 times slowly along the wall of the basin, with high speed, the protein cream after the 2-4th pour will also expand, before each pour you will see a texture and then pour the next sugar syrup.

12. After the syrup is poured, it can be beaten at medium to low speed depending on the level of protein cream, until the protein cream reaches sufficient hardness.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Making a good protein cream is a key step in the success of Makaron, and high-quality protein cream is the foundation of Makaron's success.

14. So this step has to be done well.

15. The protein cream can't be too thin or too thick.

16. Healthy protein creams have a better gloss.

17. The next step is to add the protein cream in stages to the previously prepared TPT dough (i.e. a mixture of almond flour and sugar flour collectively known as TPT).

18. The previous two times the protein cream was added, first the protein cream and the raw materials were mixed by slicing, then pressed several times along the walls of the pan, so that the dough produces a certain elasticity, so that the protein cream fully evaporates.

19. The last time is to mix in a J-shaped way, in principle, the protein cream and the dough are completely mixed.

20. The image shows a mixed dough, which is striped and shiny.

21. Put the dough in a bag of flowers with a round mouth.

22. Then you can squeeze the macaroni dough.

23. When squeezing, be sure to fix the flower button well, do not move, otherwise the circle will not be round and the size will not be uniform.

24. Good shape is also important.

25. A uniformly squeezed pony.

26. After all is squeezed, gently beat the bottom of the grill a few times, shaking out the excess bubbles.

27. You can also use a toothpick to remove the bubbles from the surface of the macaroni to make it smooth and flat.

28. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, set the actual baking time to between 140 and 150 and bake for about 12 minutes.

29. I'm using a Heise oven, and I'm guessing the oven temperature is a little bit higher.

30. In short, as long as your oven thermometer shows a temperature of about 150 degrees, you can bake.

31. The temperature and time of baking are purely for reference, as the different ovens are too different.

32. You need to figure out slowly what temperature is best for you to cook the perfect pony.

33. From this step, we started making macaroons.

34. Demonstration of a basic cream.

35. First, spread the egg yolk until it turns white.

36. Add sugar and water to the pot at the same time and cook to 118°C.

37. Then, the boiled sugar water is poured into the egg yolk bowl, stirred into egg yolk sauce with an electric egg beater, then the insulating water is heated to 82 ° C, continue to send the egg beater to thicken, reach the state of the egg beater lifted, very slowly falling back.

38. Then add 10 tablespoons of egg yolk to the butter that has already been spread, add some vanilla paste and a few drops of lemon juice, spread evenly, and the filling is ready, and put the filling in the flower bag.

39. If you want to add, for example, parsley, strawberry jam, etc. in this step, add the base cream to the cream, and the mixture is ready.

40. After pairing the macaroni shell, squeeze it into the filling.

41. This is a two-color macaroni made by me with two colored shells.

42. This is a picture of a little horse filled with macaroons and raspberries.

43. Since there are no special photographs, all of the above pictures, except for one, were taken by yourself, and you can see them first.

44. The meaning is clear.

45. What do you think?

46. By making macaroons of different colors and fillings, you can get the colorful and delicious dessert queen macaroons.


Handy cooking tips

  Finally, let's talk about the most common reasons why macaroni fails:In fact, the water content of different almond flours varies, and the amount of protein that is not released needs to be adjusted according to the actual water content of the almonds.The best way is to try a few more times.In addition, several common problems are summarized: 1. the vacuum of the macaroni causes the vacuum of the macaroni. In general, the most common reasons are: a. the previous two times the protein cream was added to the dough and then it did not dissipate enough, b. the baking time was not enough c. the third is the baking temperature was too low.d. Excessive protein release at first release.It can also cause emptiness.