Towel cake rolls

2023-10-29 13:26:40BAKING


  I'm a foodie, I love to eat cake, the cake shop eats cake, it's really expensive, I don't know if it's clean.With a few worries, I bought myself an oven, I wanted to eat roast beef, I wanted to eat cake, I baked, my husband had been raised by me.



Four eggs.
Low flour 52 grams
40 grams of corn oil
52 grams of milk
60 grams of white sugar (protein)
10 grams of white sugar
A few drops of vinegar or lemon juice

How TO MADE Towel cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. In order to save a few dishes, use disposable ingredients directly, ah, cc lazy to the rhythm of no friends ah

2. 4 eggs with 10 grams of white sugar, stir evenly

3. Then add 52 grams of milk to stir evenly.

4. If you don't have 40 grams of corn oil, add a moderating oil, but don't add any heavy flavored oil.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Finally, 52 grams of low-fat flour is sifted into egg yolk paste and stirred evenly until there are no particles.

6. 4 proteins added a few drops of vinegar with lemon can be added to the lemon juice, make the stew must be added to the fluffy effect, the cake delicate and soft

7. No nonsense, 60 grams of white sugar is added three times to the protein and sent to the dry state, raising the egg maker to a rectangular state, the inverted button will not flow out.

8. The protein is divided into two parts, added to the egg yolk paste, gently stirred, like a stew, do not draw a circle, stir up and down left and right.

9. And then like the second floor of the oven.

10. 150 degrees 40 minutes.

11. This is Duangduangduang.

12. My oven is over 20 degrees, and I'm probably...

13. You can bake it at the temperature you normally make it at.
