Cake of the wind

2023-10-29 13:26:42BAKING





5 eggs
35 grams of fine sugar
60 grams of milk
40 grams of corn oil
1 gram of salt
100 grams of low-fat flour
Protein five
40 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Cake of the wind

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, prepare two clean bowls without water, especially the one with the protein.

2. Start the protein by dividing 40 g of sugar into three parts.

3. There's a spike that can't be lifted.

4. After spreading the egg yolk, add the corn oil, milk, sugar, and salt.

Steps 5 to 8

5. You can mix it up.

6. Sift the low-fat flour into the mixed egg yolk.

7. Stir evenly with Z-shaped stirring, do not circle.

8. Put the good protein in the egg yolk three times.

Steps 9 to 12

9. When mixing, use the flip method, flipping from the bottom up.

10. Don't go round and round.

11. Completely mixed

12. If you want to make a colorful cake, you can separate the dough and adjust it to your favorite color.

13. It is then poured into the cake mold, lifted 2 cm from the table before entering the oven, and shaken vertically to the table, producing bubbles.

14. Put it in the oven, 130 degrees, 150 degrees.

15. About 50 minutes, actually adjusted to your own oven.

16. Place the number on the second layer.

17. The correct temperature should be adjusted according to the size of the oven in your home

18. When it's cooked, take it out and cool it for about an hour.

19. At the end, you can cut it and eat it.
