Healthy version of cheese and mango mousse

2023-10-29 13:26:44BAKING





Four eggs.
90 grams of low-fat flour
90 grams of fine sugar
20 grams of rapeseed oil
Two drops of perfume
600 grams of mango
15 grams of fish oil powder
Boiling water 150 ml
One tablespoon of rum
Two tablespoons of white sugar
Two tablespoons of water
150 grams of cheese

How TO MADE Healthy version of cheese and mango mousse

Steps 1 to 4

1. Weigh all kinds of materials well.

2. Making a whole egg sponge cake.

3. When the whole egg is released and the egg maker picks it up, the dropped egg leaves a trace.

4. At this point, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the flour and stir evenly from the bottom.

6. Then add the oil and stir evenly.

7. Put it in the oven and bake it for about 25 minutes.

8. Sponge cake should be cooled after baking, preferably overnight, to facilitate cutting.

9. I'm the one who cut it.

10. It's also possible.

11. Divided into three parts.

12. Making syrup: melting sugar in hot water and then adding rum.

13. To make mango mousse: the fruit paste is soaked in cool boiling water for 10 minutes; then the water is heated to melt.

14. Cut 400 grams of mangoes into pieces and mix them in a juicer.

15. Pour into a larger container and mix the cheese evenly.

16. After that, the melted fruit glue is poured into the mango fruit paste and stirred evenly for backup.

17. The bottom of the active mold needs to be wrapped in tin foil to prevent leakage.

18. Brush sugar water to the bottom of a piece of cake and put it in the mold.

19. Then add the mango mousse to cover the whole cake.

20. Add the remaining 200 grams of mango slices.

21. Uniformly distributed.

22. Brush the second piece of cake on both sides with sugar syrup and place it on top.

23. Pour the rest of the mango mousse on top.

24. Gently calming the mold.

25. Then wrap it in tin paper and put it in the fridge for four hours.

26. Remove the mold from the refrigerator

27. Simple decoration

28. Cutting into small pieces