6 inches of wind

2023-10-29 13:29:47BAKING





Low flour 50 grams
Sugar A 25 grams
Sugar B 30 grams
30 grams of vegetable oil
30 grams of milk
Eggs 192 grams

How TO MADE 6 inches of wind

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing all the ingredients, the eggs are small, so we put four, based on 64 g per shell.

2. The egg yolk is separated and the egg yolk is placed in a bowl without water or oil.

3. Add sugar A to the egg yolk and stir evenly.

4. Add 30 g of milk to the egg yolk three times, stirring evenly each time and pouring it into the pan.

Steps 5 to 8

5. There's no milk in the house, so I replaced it with water.

6. Add 30 g of vegetable oil three times, stirring evenly each time and adding more.

7. Sift into low powder, pay attention to z-shaped stirring evenly.

8. Don't draw circles, avoid the egg yolk.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add 10 grams of fine sugar to the egg whites.

10. Add 10 g of sugar to make a fine bubble.

11. After the protein has a clear pattern, add 10 g of sugar.

12. The protein is sent to the hard foam.

Steps 13 to 16

13. There are many ways to test, such as raising the egg-head protein to a small rectangle, inserting a chopstick into the protein cream and so on.

14. At this point, the oven is preheated to 150 degrees.

15. Add one-third of the protein cream to the egg yolk and stir evenly, then pour the egg yolk into the protein cream and stir evenly.

16. It is not possible to rotate the mixture so that the protein is not lost.

17. Pour it into the mold, shake it a few times, and remove the large bubbles.

18. In the oven for 45 minutes.

19. Take it out of the oven for a few shakes, release the heat, and then turn it upside down to cool it down.

20. After it cools completely, draw a circle along the perimeter with a de-moulding knife, and the chassis can be de-moulded with a light hand.
