Beer cake

2023-10-29 13:30:51BAKING


  What does a beer cake taste like? A freshly baked cake is poured with beer while it's hot, sealed after it cools, and eaten three days later.I kept one, didn't pour the beer, tried it as soon as it cooled, as if it didn't taste special, it didn't taste like beer.What will be the taste of those who are sealed? It will be known after three days.



63 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of butter
48 grams of black beer
50 grams of raisins
One egg.
22 grams of peanut butter
50 grams of red sugar
1/2 teaspoon of powder

How TO MADE Beer cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Materials used

2. Grape juice is soaked in beer other than the recipe to soften the filtration, and is used as a backup.

3. Pumpkin seeds chopped, spare.

4. The butter is softened, the red sugar is added, the red sugar is slightly stirred with a rubber scraper, the red sugar is punctured, the egg beater is sent until the color is lighter, the volume is fluffy, the egg juice is added and stirred evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. 25 grams of beer.

6. A mixture of low-strength powder and bubble powder is sifted into a butter paste and stirred evenly with a rubber scraper.

7. Pour into the raisins and peas and stir evenly.

8. Pour two-thirds of it into the mold.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it in the oven, in the middle layer, heat it up to 180 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.

10. The remaining 23 grams of beer are poured onto the cake, dried, cooled, sealed, and stored for three days.


Handy cooking tips

  After being poured into the butter paste into the beer, it does not need to be stirred, so it can be sifted directly into the powder.When mixing the dough, be careful not to stir in circles to prevent the flour from rising.Black is a type of beer that originated in Ireland more than 200 years ago and became popular in Munich, Germany.Black beer is quite nutritious due to its unfiltered yeast, and in addition to being rich in a certain amount of low-sugar molecules and amino acids, it also contains vitamin C, vitamin H, which is called black milk.In addition to the use of light-colored malt in general, a certain amount of black malt and incense malt is added to the main ingredients of black beer, so that the wine has a strong incense malt aroma.It is one of the three species of jujube in Chinese medicine.Chinese medicine considers it to be a healthy stomach digestive drug, specifically for treating eating disorders, appetite disorders, and indigestion.There are many brands of black beer, which can be bought in supermarkets, and if you are afraid of trouble, you can replace it with ordinary beer.Black beer cake needs to be sealed for 2-3 days, until the flavor is fully absorbed and then eaten with a cup of Irish coffee.