Milked cherry flower cake

2023-10-29 13:30:54BAKING


  The cherry blossoms, when they bloom, are so enthusiastic, elegant and pure, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle.Salted cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that have to be changed repeatedly in the middle of boiling, boiling too little time will have a faint salty taste, and you can't use hot water bubbles, hot water bubbles will fade the color of the cherry blossoms, so be sure to remember to boil in advance.



Four eggs.
50 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of refined milk
35 grams of white sugar
35 grams of corn oil
A few drops of lemon.
A moderate amount of salted cherries

How TO MADE Milked cherry flower cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Salted cherry blossoms 1 hour in advance with cold water bubbles (several water changes in the middle)

2. Dried cherry blossoms with kitchen paper to prepare the necessary ingredients

3. Take three eggs, separate the egg yolk from the egg yolk, and add a whole egg to the mixture of the three egg yolks.

4. The egg yolk is made into an egg liquid by hand.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Corn oil is poured into a milk pot, simmered on the stove, then turned off, sifted into a low powder of brushed, quickly stirred to a smooth state

6. Put the milk in and stir evenly.

7. Egg juice in a mixed hot dough

8. Then stir into a liquid egg dough.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The egg whites are dripped into a few drops of lemon juice, hit the fish's eyeballs, then diluted with sugar three times, and then sent to the point of moist foaming, lifting the egg beater, and the protein drops slightly at the tip.

10. Pour one-third of the protein into the egg yolk and stir evenly.

11. Pour the mixed dough into the remaining protein and stir evenly.

12. Until the protein is fully mixed with the egg yolk

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put the foam into the paper film in the pan, squeeze the foam into the paper film, shake it for a few seconds, and shake the bubbles out.

14. Put a cherry blossom in a paper wrapper.

15. Preheat the oven 150 degrees, bake in a water bath, put the bottom in the oven in hot water, then put it on the grill, put the mold in the grill, 150 degrees, bake for 10 minutes, turn 140 degrees, bake for 35 minutes

16. The delicate, ready-to-eat cake is out of the oven.

Handy cooking tips

  When cooking, use a small fire and turn off the fire as soon as the oil boils.