Chocolate Charlotte

2023-10-29 13:30:57BAKING


  A dessert invented by a French chef for the Queen of England -- the recipe is adapted from Master PH's Chocolate Charlotte -- here's a modified amount of ingredients and process -- I made an 18 cm diameter round mold.



Finger cake shape: moderate
Three eggs.
Egg whites 6
60 grams of flour
82.5 grams of white sugar
Chamomile cream sauce: in moderation
2 roots of cassava
150 ml of whole milk
200 ml of cream
Four eggs.
White sugar 85 grams
Chocolate Bavarian filling: in moderation
300 grams of cream sauce
225 grams of dark chocolate
300 grams of cream
12 grams of gelatin

How TO MADE Chocolate Charlotte

Steps 1 to 4

1. [Make a finger-shaped cake] 3 eggs plus half white sugar (82.5 g half, a little more or less doesn't matter) sent to the vertical tip corner

2. 6 eggs and half of the remaining white sugar until the color is lighter and the volume is larger

3. Divide the protein cream twice and stir evenly with the egg yolk.

4. Protein egg yolk in good condition after mixing, delicate, light and unblemished

Steps 5 to 8

5. 60 grams of flour mixed together

6. I put it in a plastic bag or a flower bag, cut an opening, and I squeeze it out of a baking tray of oil paper, and I squeeze it into a long bar, and I squeeze it into a long bar, and I squeeze it into a long bar, and I squeeze it into a long bar, and I squeeze it into a long bar.

7. If you want to squeeze it a little bit, you can draw a circle on the back of the oil paper. I squeezed it directly by hand, not by hand, but I'll fix the size anyway, so it doesn't matter.

8. After 15 to 20 minutes of baking in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius, remove the surrounding part as shown in the picture and everything from the middle is two

Steps 9 to 12

9. Depending on the size of the mold, the remainder of the rim can be cut into small sections for internal filling.

10. It's better to cut the base a little bit bigger than you can fit it in, so that there are no gaps between the base and the perimeter.

11. [Make vanilla cream sauce] Cut the vanilla pods and take the middle vanilla seeds

12. Boil the vanilla seeds and vanilla pods in 150 ml of whole milk, remove from the fire, soak for 20 minutes, and remove the vanilla pods for use.

Steps 13 to 16

13. 4 eggs, 85 grams of white sugar, stir for 3 minutes

14. The vanilla milk solution from step 12 is placed in the egg yolk from step 13 and stirred until it is not hot.

15. Add 200 ml of cream to the mixture and pour into the pan to heat.

16. The first egg yolk is spoon-free (as shown in the picture)

Steps 17 to 20

17. Heat over medium heat and stir continuously, heat until the cream touches the back of the spoon (as shown in the picture) i.e. after cooling this step is the English cream sauce, use 300G, the rest is refrigerated after cooling

18. [Making chocolate baffle filling] Gelatin 12G with clear water bubble soft after leaching, put in 300G British cream sauce, heat until melted after removal from fire add 225G dark chocolate, use the residual heat to melt the chocolate, mix and cool to only a slight warmth

19. 300G of cream is sent to a formable state

20. Mix the dispensed cream and the chocolate baffle completed in step 19 evenly.

Steps 21 to 24

21. I think it's easier to get bored, so I'm going to layer a few more layers of the finger cake, and it's going to be more layered, and it's going to taste better, and I'm going to refrigerate it overnight, and I'm going to sift a layer of cocoa powder, and I'm going to decorate it with chocolate peanut butter, and I'm going to refrigerate the vanilla cream sauce.

22. Finished product.

Handy cooking tips

  In fact, if you want to make a different kind of chocolate, chocolate is really love. The original plan was to make it with chocolate leaves, so the chocolate felt like the leaves came out, but I also knew that I didn't dare to pick up the leaves of the trees on the side of the road, who wouldn't secret something that wouldn't be eaten temporarily, so the chocolate didn't have to be decorated with satin flowers, so I had to make it look like a brick, so of course I had to make it look like a brick, so I had to make it look like a brick.