8 inch model of a raisin cake

2023-10-29 13:31:49BAKING





Five eggs
85 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of milk
40 grams of sesame oil
20 grapes

How TO MADE 8 inch model of a raisin cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separating the egg yolk from the egg yolk

2. Use an egg beater to press the egg whites into a liquid with large bubbles, adding 1/3 (30 g) or 10 g of sugar

3. Continue, adding 1/3 (30 g) or 10 g of sugar when the protein appears to be fine foam.

4. Continue cooking until the egg yolk is textured, adding the last 1/3 or 10 g of sugar

Steps 5 to 8

5. Continue to stir until the egg-breaker is lifted, and the protein juice appears at an upright point, which is ready to be stirred and refrigerated in the refrigerator.

6. Pour 15 g of sugar into the egg yolk and stir evenly with the egg beater, taking care not to overeat.

7. Pour into milk and sesame oil and stir evenly with a rubber scraper

8. Mix the powder in the sieve evenly with a scraper, do not over-shake, avoid stirring

9. Remove the good protein juice, pour one-third of it into the mixed egg yolk, stir from the bottom to the top, avoiding circles to avoid foaming.

10. After stirring evenly, pour the egg juice into 2/3 of the protein solution and continue stirring from the bottom up, avoiding circles, stirring evenly.

11. Put it in the raisins and stir evenly.

12. Before this step, the oven can be preheated to 170 degrees for a few minutes.

13. Place the mixed eggs in a preheated oven, heat up and down, middle and lower layers, 170 degrees, bake for about 50 minutes, cake out of the pan