Banana soup

2023-10-29 13:33:41BAKING


  The flavor of a whole banana is concentrated in this beautiful cake, the sweet taste is in it! Banana is one of my favorite banana cakes, I learned to make it when I first got into baking, it is always welcomed by the family, after constant experimentation and improvement, now it is even better.I like the sweetness of the banana itself, so the sugar in this square has been reduced a lot, the proportion of milk and oil has also been reduced, it is more suitable for people who like to eat cake and are afraid of fat, but eating more will also make the meat longer!



132 grams of ripe bananas
35 grams of milk
Five eggs
30 grams of corn oil
Low flour 100 grams
40 grams of white sugar
A little lemon juice

How TO MADE Banana soup

Steps 1 to 4

1. Blessings to the whole family;

2. Take 70 grams of bananas and squeeze them into clay with a spoon. (Note: My habit is to divide the bananas into two parts, one part into clay and the other part into small pieces, put them separately, so that there are small pieces of bananas in the cake, it feels better, it's almost the same, if you don't want the trouble you can squeeze them all into clay)

3. Separate the egg whites, put the egg whites directly into the bowl of banana paste and disperse. (Note: the eggs used in the cake need to be refrigerated, the protein and the egg whites can be separated and the bowl of protein can be put back in the refrigerator to continue to refrigerate and removed when used)

4. Pour the milk and oil into the egg yolk bowl and stir evenly;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir for a while so that the ingredients in the bowl are fully mixed together;

6. Low-fat flour is sifted into egg yolk bowls;

7. The dough should be picked up by the scraper, and the dough should have a thick, smooth feel.

8. The remaining bananas are crushed into small pieces and stirred evenly;

Steps 9 to 12

9. To process the protein, take a fresh lemon and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the protein bowl. (Note: no fresh lemon can be used with commercial lemon juice, it can also be used with white vinegar, or it can be canceled outright. Some people say that adding lemon juice can remove some of the smell of eggs, but I'm not sensitive to the smell of eggs, so I add something, I don't omit it.)

10. Pour the white sugar into the protein bowl. (Note: When spreading the protein, the white sugar is generally recommended to be poured in three parts, respectively when the protein is coarse and the protein is fine and the protein is out of the way, but I put less sugar, the power of the egg maker is also relatively large, so my habit is to put it all in, I want to see the three steps of spreading the white sugar.

11. If it's an ordinary round mold, you need to hit the dry foam, which is an upright little triangle, if you don't understand, please also look at my original flavored banana cake sticker.

12. The egg yolk and protein are processed and then stirred. (Note: This is usually the time to start preheating the oven.)

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take half of the protein and put it in a bowl of egg yolk, stir it up and down with a razor blade and cut it, taking care not to stir in circles so as not to foam;

14. The mixed egg yolk is poured back into the protein bowl, and the mixing continues until the cake is evenly mixed, of course, not for too long, as it will evaporate after a long time.

15. Mixed cake paste;

16. When I poured into the ready-made mold, I only had a 15cm hollow mold, so I added six small cup molds; if it's not a well-removed mold, you can apply some cooking oil around the mold and at the bottom beforehand;

Steps 17 to 20

17. Preheat the oven at 165 degrees, the middle and lower layers, bake at 165 degrees for 40 minutes; after baking, shake it from above to below to shake the heat out of the cake mold. (Note: If you are not sure whether the cake in the large mold is baked, use a bamboo stick or chopstick to push the cake deep into the cake, pull it out and do not touch it, if it touches, extend the baking time)

18. The advantage of the hollow mold is that it can be turned upside down, find a glass bottle to hold the mold on top, wait for it to cool and then remove the mold; the small paper cup mold does not need to be turned upside down, it can be cooled directly;

19. I'm a manual undresser, and I'm a little bit careful, but I'm not a very good undresser, and this is the best one I've ever undressed.

20. You can see that the cake is fluffy, and you can see that the banana grains, the whole banana root, is concentrated in the cake, and although I didn't put much sugar in it, the banana itself is very sweet.

21. Let's take a look at the diagram, I recently received a very sharp ceramic knife, it's definitely a good tool for cutting, and the cutting effect is quite good.

Handy cooking tips

  More than two sentences: this weight can make one eight-inch round mold, two six-inch round mold, two 15-centimeter hollow mold, twelve paper cup cakes, those who do not have a hollow mold can choose other molds, but pay attention to the difference in the degree of protein release; eight-centimeter round mold can make one, please refer to the time and temperature of making an eight-centimeter round mold at home, my house is 150 degrees in the middle and lower layers 60 minutes; six-centimeter round mold can make two, please refer to the time and temperature of making six molds at home, my house is 170 degrees in the middle and lower layers 45 minutes; 15 cm hollow can make two, please refer to the time and temperature of making the same mold at home, my house is 165 degrees in the middle and lower layers 40 minutes;