It's called panda toast.

2023-10-29 13:35:46BAKING





High starch flour 300 grams
3.6 grams of sugar-resistant yeast
180 grams of milk
30 g of white sugar
3.5 grams of salt
25 grams of butter
7 grams of tea powder
7 grams of cocoa powder
Boiling water 17 grams
One egg yolk

How TO MADE It's called panda toast.

Steps 1 to 4

1. High-flour yeast

2. Add about one ounce (19 grams) of butter, mix with milk, knead into a dough; then add salt and sugar to continue kneading; enter the smooth expansion phase, add butter, knead to the full membrane stage (or slightly worse than the full stage)

3. Tea powder and cocoa powder are ready: 7 grams of cocoa powder plus 7 grams of boiling water, and cocoa powder; 7 grams of tea powder plus 10 grams of boiling water and tea powder.

4. The flour is divided into 260 grams and the tea powder is fully mixed; the flour is divided into 74 grams and the cocoa powder is fully mixed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The rest is white flour.

6. Separately placed in containers, covered with a preservative film, to the fermentation tank, fermented for 40-60 minutes, hand-pressed without bouncing back.

7. The finished dough is removed, the cocoa dough is divided into 18 grams * 2, make the little bear's ears; 26 * 2 make the little bear's eyes; the white dough is divided into 86 grams make the little bear's face 1, divide 26 grams make the little panda's face 2, then continue to divide 75 grams make the little bear's face 3 (if you make the black eyeliner version behind me, you have to divide 9 * 2 again make the eyes) tea dough, divide 72 grams put in the middle of the little panda's ears, the rest wrap the whole dough

8. Look at this sketch and you'll understand.

Steps 9 to 12

9. According to the drawings, the dough is kneaded into long, uniform strips, which are stacked one by one.

10. Outside layer

11. Is the finished panda the same as the drawing?

12. Put it in a circular cage mold and continue to ferment for 50 minutes until it's full for 8 minutes, not too full, otherwise it will ferment too much and the circular mold will rise.

Steps 13 to 16

13. 185-degree oven, about 35 minutes, (different ovens, please use as practical) remove, de-mould and cut after cooling

14. In fact, there's about 18 grams more white dough to make a black-eyed panda, and 9 grams of white dough to wrap around the brown eyes is even cuter.

15. The black-eyed panda is baked like this, and you can draw it with a chocolate pencil.

16. The Panda Park