Black beans and egg yolks

2023-10-29 13:36:12BAKING





200 grams of medium-sized powder
75 grams of pork fat (condensed)
85 grams of water
150 grams of low-fat flour
75 grams of pork fat (condensed)
A little bit of egg juice.
A little black sesame

How TO MADE Black beans and egg yolks

Steps 1 to 4

1. I used a bread maker to knead the skin, and when I made it, I added 15 grams of sugar, which I forgot to write in the recipe, but you remember to add it when you make it, stir it a little bit, and you can start stirring the bread maker.

2. Add water gradually and mix evenly.

3. At the same time, don't sit idly by, rub the oil with your hands.

4. Two without delay.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The skin of the oil and the oil are mixed at the same time, and the preservative film is covered for 30 minutes.

6. Boil the salted egg butter in oil overnight and bake it in the oven at 170 degrees for 5 minutes.

7. Remove the splash point and reserve the rum for cooling.

8. Divide the oil into 20 parts, about 11 grams each, and rub it in a circle.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take 20 grams of black beans, press them flat, wrap them in salted egg yolk, and rub them around your mouth.

10. For the practice of making black bean stuffing, see Homemade black bean stuffing squares.

11. This step can be done while the dough is still.

12. That's the change from step 4.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Water oil peel is divided into 20 pieces, each about 18 grams.

14. The skin is flattened, placed in the middle of the dough, wrapped in a protective film.

15. Grow the tongue, roll it up, and relax the freshly preserved membrane for 15 minutes.

16. It grows again in stripes, curls up, and relaxes for 20 minutes.

17. Take turns pressing each one against the fold and rubbing it round.

18. Each one is pressed flat, put on the black bean sand egg yolk filling, wrap, and close the mouth down.

19. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

20. At the same time, brush the whole egg juice and sprinkle it with black sesame seeds with a noodle stick.

21. Turn back 170 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.
