Milk and honey.

2023-10-29 13:38:03BAKING





Low powder 190 grams
230 grams of milk
20 grams of cream
70 grams of corn oil
Honey beans in moderation
48 grams of white sugar
Two eggs.
50 grams of water

How TO MADE Milk and honey.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Low flour 120 grams, corn oil 35 grams, white sugar 8 grams, boiled water 50 grams, and water oil dough.

2. Use 70 grams of low-fat flour, 35 grams of corn oil and butter dough for 15 minutes.

3. The water dough is wrapped in butter dough, folded three times, and then rolled up.

4. Cut into 20 small sections.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is pressed flat and placed in an eggshell mold to form a very thin eggshell at the bottom.

6. 230 grams of milk, 20 grams of soft cream, 40 grams of white sugar, 2 eggs, stir evenly with chopsticks, and the egg yolk is ready.

7. Pour into the egg yolk, put a few beans, put in the middle layer of the oven, 165 degrees, bake on high and low heat for 25 minutes.

8. Delicious honey beans.


Handy cooking tips

  The bottom of the eggshell must be very thin, so that even if it is not pressed, it will not swell, and the bottom of the baked eggshell will be very crisp.If you feel the need to make your own eggs, you can also buy ready-made eggs.