Cream of butter

2023-10-29 13:38:05BAKING


  Puff, originating from Italy, has always been a favorite of baking enthusiasts, and I, too, became one of them, the practice of puff is not different from it, but it can vary, the sauce is also a variety of options, castor oil, ice cream, etc., of which, my favorite and my family's children are cream, fragrant puff, with fragrant cream, then mixed with truffle chocolate sauce, a bite down, delicious.



150 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of butter
4 eggs
100 grams of cream
20 grams of cream
3 grams of salt
5 g of white sugar
250 grams of water

How TO MADE Cream of butter

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter, water, salt, and white sugar are boiled in a pot until slightly boiled.

2. A layer of film appears at the bottom of the pan, cooling the dough to about sixty degrees.

3. Add the whole egg juice gradually, and then add the whole egg juice again until the dough is fully absorbed (note that not all four eggs need to be added)

4. When the dough is triangular, the eggs may not be added, and if four eggs are added and the dough is not triangular, the whole egg must be added.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the good dough in a flower bag.

6. Long stripes extruded, oven preheated to 200 degrees

7. Oven 200 degrees for 12 minutes, then 170 degrees for 20 minutes.

8. Roasted beans to cool off

Steps 9 to 12

9. Light cream with sugar cream

10. Put the cream in a flower bag.

11. Chocolate with a little light cream to dissolve the insulation

12. Put the melted chocolate sauce in a bag.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The cooled buffalo is cut with a small knife and squeezed into cream.

14. It's all about the chocolate.

15. The children in the house are fighting for their own food, their own food, their own food, their own food.


Handy cooking tips

  When you're baking, you can't open the oven door in the middle. When you're baking the dough, you have to take care of the portion of the egg yolk, add it slowly, don't pour it all in at once, because the size of the egg is different, the portion used is not the same.