Pumpkin cakes

2023-10-29 13:38:22BAKING


  Pumpkin paste is used to replace some of the water to make the cake, which is softer and more delicate, with the addition of honey and sweetness, the taste is better than ordinary pepper.8" round cake mold 170 degrees middle and lower layer 40 minutes



White sugar 80 grams
20 grams of water
60 grams of corn oil
60 grams of pumpkin
Four eggs.
80 grams of low-fat flour
5 ml of honey (1 teaspoon)

How TO MADE Pumpkin cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. The pumpkin is cooked in a pan, and 60 grams of pumpkin are crushed into clay for backup.

2. Egg yolk separation

3. The egg whites are divided into three parts and added to white sugar to form a hard foam.

4. Egg yolk with pumpkin paste, corn oil water and honey, stir for 2 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk to the flour and stir until there is no flour.

6. Take one-third of the protein paste, mix it in the egg yolk paste, and mix it evenly by slicing.

7. The egg yolk paste is poured back into the protein paste and mixed evenly again by chopping.

8. Pour the cake paste into the cake mold, flatten the surface, and lift it slightly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The cake is placed in a preheated oven at 170 degrees and baked for 40 minutes in the middle and bottom layers.

10. After baking, remove the lid to cool and cut into pieces.
