Stuffed walnuts

2023-10-29 13:40:47BAKING


  Walnut butter, originating from the court cooks, who exactly? No one can answer.But the practice has been passed down from generation to generation.The housewives, the new brides, they're practicing, they've got boards, they've got eyes, they're like models.Its main characteristics are dry, spicy, crisp, and sweet.In fact, it's more fun for the elderly.Going home for New Year's Eve, bringing a homemade delicious peach cobbler to the elderly, without saying a word.The elderly do not lack food and drink, they lack the care and greeting of their children, the warmth of the elderly heart, you deserve to try!



210 grams of low-fat flour
One egg.
110 grams of sesame oil
100 grams of fine sugar
60 grams of walnut meat
4 grams of flour
2 grams of baking soda

How TO MADE Stuffed walnuts

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of food.

2. Oven 180 degrees, up and down fire, middle layer, bake for 7 to 8 minutes, roast the raw walnut meat for flavor.

3. Add half a whole egg solution to a large bowl and mix evenly.

4. Flour, baking powder, baking soda are mixed and sifted to step 3.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mixed into dough.

6. Divide the dough into 20 grams of a small piece of dough (I divided 21 in total).

7. Take a small piece of dough, rub it open into the walnut flesh, rub it into small round balls, and then crush it flat.

8. Place the raw walnut paste on a griddle covered with grease-absorbing paper, and rub a layer of whole egg juice on the walnut paste surface.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put in a preheated oven, medium layer, 180 degrees, up and down fire, bake for 20 minutes, bake until the surface is golden yellow.

10. Cooling after firing.

11. It's wrapped in cute cookie bags, so you can give it to the elders to taste.

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of mixed dough should not be too dry, it must be more moist, baked peach butter will be enough butter.If the dough is dry, a moderate amount of sesame oil should be added.If it is raw, it needs to be cooked beforehand.It tastes better when it's made into walnut butter.There must be a space between the three pieces of walnut paste, because the walnut paste will swell after high heat.