Yoghurt mousse with blueberries

2023-10-29 13:42:49BAKING





70 grams of blueberry sauce
200 grams of cream
120 grams of yogurt
Gelatin tablets are 12.5 grams
10 g of white sugar
Two pieces of cake.
50 grams of blueberry sauce
100 ml of water
0.5 grams of gelatin tablets

How TO MADE Yoghurt mousse with blueberries

Steps 1 to 4

1. Blueberry jam and yogurt mixed together in a blender.

2. The gelatin is softened with ice water bubbles, dissolved in insulating water (or dissolved in a microwave oven), and the dissolved gelatin is poured into a mixture of blueberry jam and yogurt and mixed to form mousse.

3. Light cream with sugar, beaten to 6-7 and distributed, that's what the pattern looks like.

4. Mix the mousse and the whipped cream.

5. The mold is placed at the bottom of a slice of sourdough cake, poured into half of the mixed mousse cream, placed into another slice of sourdough cake, then poured into the remaining mousse cream, gently shaken on the table for a few seconds, shaking the air bubbles inside out, flattening.

6. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

7. 50 g of blueberry jam is added to 100 ml of hot boiling water (heated boiling water is used to dissolve the gelatin slices), mixed evenly, add 0.5 g of foam-soft gelatin slices to dissolve evenly, wait for it to cool and pour it on the mousse cake, then refrigerate for about an hour, and the mirror surface is ready.

8. Finished, I added some mango flowers.


Handy cooking tips

  The material of the accessory is to make the mirror surface, not to make the mirror surface, this step can be omitted.