Oil-free oatmeal cake

2023-10-29 13:43:22BAKING


  I can't use sugar because of Dukan's weight loss, so I use 2 grams of aspartame instead of sugar.Others use sugar.During Dukan, there is no oil, no sugar, and no starch, so this is also done to satisfy the mouths of those who do not eat flour.It's delicious, and it's delicious to eat, but it's nothing compared to a steak cake.



Oatmeal 30 grams
Two eggs.
50 ml of milk
20 g of white sugar
1 g of flour

How TO MADE Oil-free oatmeal cake

1. Separation of egg yolk and egg yolk.

2. The egg yolk is mixed with milk and oatmeal, and the powder is mixed evenly, making it thicker.

3. Proteins and sugars are sent at medium speed using an egg beater.

4. Mix it evenly with the egg yolk.

5. (Be careful to stir gently.)

6. )

7. Put it in the oven at 170 degrees for 20 minutes.
