Chocolate cake with thick chocolate

2023-10-29 13:44:22BAKING





4 pieces of cake
4 eggs (cake slices)
45 grams of milk (cake)
45 grams of oil (cake slices)
10 grams of cocoa powder (cake slices)
Fine sugar 1 (cake slice) 20 g
Fine sugar 2 (cake slices) 60 grams
66% cocoa butter and dark chocolate 150 grams
150 grams of whipped cream
43 grams of butter
Cocoa powder in moderation
Rose flowers in moderation
75 grams of low-fat flour

How TO MADE Chocolate cake with thick chocolate

Steps 1 to 4

1. It's like making chocolate.

2. 150 grams of dark chocolate, 150 grams of soft cream, 53 grams of soft butter at room temperature.

3. Light cream is boiled until boiling, poured into the chocolate, simmered for 30 seconds, stirred until mixed evenly.

4. When the chocolate has cooled to 60 degrees, add the test softening butter and continue stirring until mixed evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. If the melting is not smooth in cold weather, the hot water can be insulated and continued to stir.

6. When done, heat the refrigerator slightly, cool the room temperature to the point where it can be cooked, and use a scraper to stir slightly.

7. If you don't take care to freeze it too hard, it can soften the insulating water slightly.

8. Separate the four egg yolks.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The bowl of egg whites requires no oil or water.

10. Add 45 grams of cocoa butter, 45 grams of cocoa butter, 10 grams of cocoa powder, 20 grams of fine sugar, and stir evenly.

11. Sieve into 70 grams of low-fat flour and stir into an egg yolk paste.

12. Mixed egg yolk as shown in the picture.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Add 60 grams of fine sugar to the egg yolk three times and let it bubble dry.

14. The finished egg yolk powder is added to the egg yolk paste three times, stirring evenly each time by slicing and then adding the next egg yolk.

15. It's made into a cake.

16. The cake paste is poured into a three-dimensional gold baking tray (28*28), and the shaker is blown out two or three times.

17. The oven is preheated to 175 degrees, placed in the middle layer and baked for 20 to 25 minutes, with the oven cooling as a backup.

18. The cake is divided into an average of six equal-sized pieces.

19. Only four shots were taken in the map.

20. Take two slices and combine them into one large slice, and apply 1/3 of the cooled good chocolate to the candy.

21. Cover the second layer with two slices of cake, repeat the previous step, and apply the gingerbread.

22. The third layer is the same.

23. The assembled cake is coated with cinnamon on top and around, and a moderate amount of cocoa powder is sprinkled on top.

24. This cake was made for a couple's 999th anniversary, so I decorated it with sugar powder with my own patterns carved from hard cardboard, and I used roses around it and on the skirt, and everyone loved it!

Handy cooking tips

  The chocolate and cocoa powder are both made with fava beans, so the flavor is best reflected in the sauce!