Tea and cakes

2023-10-29 13:45:28BAKING


  Girls like to eat cake, make it themselves, it's healthy and fun.



Four eggs.
90 grams of low-fat flour
9 grams of tea powder
65 grams of milk
1 gram of salt
Fine sugar 3035 grams
60 grams of corn oil

How TO MADE Tea and cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. The egg yolk is separated, the bowl of egg yolk must not have oil and water, otherwise it will not spread well.

2. Egg yolk with salt, one sugar, slightly lightly colored, frozen, slightly heated milk mixed, sifted into low starch powder, mashed tea powder, stirred evenly

3. Don't stir it or it will boil.

4. Add the remaining sugar to one-third and continue beating.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add a third of the sugar and continue beating.

6. You can pick up the last third of the sugar and beat it to the size of a chopstick.

7. Add one-third of the egg yolk to the egg yolk flour mixture and stir, but do not stir or it will boil.

8. Add a third of the mixture.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The last third.

10. Since there are no specialized molds, I use the frying basket of the air fryer.

11. Put it in the oven, 140 degrees, 50 minutes, but because the oven is too small, after 25 minutes, the cake swells up and covers the lamp on top...

12. Finished product

Steps 13 to 16

13. Although the baking time is not enough, the cake is more water, but it is still soft, and the taste and flavor are also good, fragrant, and ready to eat.