Eight hundred inches of mango yogurt and super-detailed steps

2023-10-29 13:46:58BAKING





100 grams of low-fat flour
Fine sugar A 45 grams
Fine sugar B 25 g
Five eggs
50 ml of cooking oil
70 ml of yogurt
Two peaches
A few drops of lemon juice
Protein powder (optional) 2 grams

How TO MADE Eight hundred inches of mango yogurt and super-detailed steps

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the egg yolk, 25 grams of fine sugar, butter, yogurt, and the juice and seeds of the parsley, and beat them evenly with a manual egg beater.

2. Sieve into a low powder and mix into a paste, but do not overdo it, otherwise it will rise.

3. Then preheat it in the oven to 150 degrees, and then you can make the protein cream.

4. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the protein, then mix 45 grams of fine sugar with 2 grams of protein powder (specifically for baking, to help the protein cream stabilize, not easily disappear, otherwise it can be used) and add the protein three times, first: the electric egg beater sends the protein to a thick foam at medium speed, second: sends the foam to a delicate foam, third: sends the protein to a striped line, the protein cream needs to be dry, so after a clear striped line lift the head of the egg and continue to be beaten until the head of the egg is lifted up, there is a short and pointed triangle on it, when the head is slightly swayed or the tip of the head is straight, you can see the head of the egg.

Steps 5 to 8

5. One-third of the protein cream is added to the egg yolk paste, quickly stirred (like fried vegetables) until there are no obvious clumps of protein cream, then one-third of the protein cream is added, quickly stirred until even.

6. Finally, pour the remaining one-third of the protein cream into the egg-making bowl (the egg-making bowl is larger) stir evenly, pour into the 8-inch mold, shake a little, poke the bubbles with a toothpick, if the surface is uneven, flatten the bottom with a spoon.

7. Okay, if the eggs are too small, use six!