Apple pie

2023-10-29 13:47:01BAKING





110 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of butter
20 grams of flour
Warm water
8 grams of butter
30 g of white sugar
30 grams of cornstarch
20 grams of warm water
Two apples (medium)

How TO MADE Apple pie

Steps 1 to 4

1. Flour, sugar powder, sift into softened butter, grind into rice grains, add warm water three times, mix evenly, not excessively, put in the refrigerator, refrigerate for half an hour, take out

2. Make: cut apples, put butter in the pot, fry for 2 minutes, put in white sugar and continue to fry until the water comes out, put in a mixture of cornstarch and water, quickly stir for half a minute

3. Divide the skin 2:1 into two doughs, one of which is about the size of a pizza plate, and make a small, even hole in the bottom with a fork.

4. The dough is kneaded into a circular dough, with a knife-cut growth strip of uniform width, and the weaving begins on the filling, first horizontally and then vertically.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Cook for 15 minutes at 210 degrees and 20 minutes at 160 degrees.