Cake with black sesame seeds

2023-10-29 13:47:49BAKING





Three eggs.
Low flour 40 grams
White sugar 35 grams
25 grams of milk
25 grams of corn oil

How TO MADE Cake with black sesame seeds

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials.

2. Separate the egg yolk from the egg yolk, spread the egg yolk into 10 grams of white sugar and mix evenly.

3. Add corn oil and mix evenly.

4. Put it in the milk and mix evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sift into low powder and stir evenly.

6. Add black sesame seeds and stir evenly.

7. The egg yolk is done.

8. The protein is cooked in an egg beater.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add 25 grams of white sugar three times.

10. Proteins in dry foam.

11. Take one-third of the finished protein and put it in the egg yolk paste and stir evenly.

12. Pour the egg yolk all over the protein and stir evenly.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour it into a six-inch round mold and drop it into the bubble.

14. Preheat the oven at 140 degrees and bake for 50 minutes.

15. Roasted chickpeas.

16. After baking, the cake is immediately turned upside down and cooled to remove the mold.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Cut it up and eat it.


Handy cooking tips

  The container for the protein and egg yolk must be free of water and oil.2.When the cake is cooked, it should be turned upside down immediately and then removed after it has cooled completely.