Yoghurt toast

2023-10-29 13:47:49BAKING





330 grams of high-quality flour
25 grams of water
145 grams of yogurt
30 grams of butter
One egg at a time.
Fine sugar 40 g 40 g
4 g of yeast
15 grams of milk powder
3 grams of salt

How TO MADE Yoghurt toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. The wet material is added first, then the salt and fine sugar are added at the opposite corners, and then the milk powder is added to the high-strength powder.

2. Finally, dig a hole in the middle and put the yeast in it.

3. Starting the kneading process of the bread maker takes 30 minutes.

4. After the end of the first kneading process, add the butter block and start the kneading process again, which takes 30 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. If the dough has not emerged from the membrane, beat the dough for about 10 minutes, check if it has emerged from the membrane, and then move on to the next step.

6. The dough is placed in the wrapping machine and the fermentation process is started, which takes 90 minutes.

7. Press the dough with your fingers so that the sink does not shrink.

8. Take the dough out in three pieces, loosen it for 15 minutes, open it separately, and then roll it up.

9. Put the dough in the toast box and sprinkle a moderate amount of clean water on the surface.

10. Turn the oven down to 100 degrees, turn off the power for about three minutes, then put it in the toast box and let the dough ferment for about an hour.

11. Then take out the dough, pre-heat the oven, put it on the fire, 180 degrees (I use the BEO 45R oven, the temperature is high, the normal baking temperature is 210 degrees) count the second layer, bake for 20 minutes and you're done.


Handy cooking tips

  The temperature of baking is normally 210 degrees, on low heat, baking for 20 minutes, whereas my home BEO 45R oven is 180 degrees.2 If after the kneading process, the film is not pulled out, then the wrestling dough can be pulled out in about 10 minutes, if not, then extend the wrestling time The toast is dried in the oven, left overnight, and eaten the next morning, it becomes soft.