Cream cake rolls

2023-10-29 13:48:05BAKING


  When you make the egg yolk, the egg yolk is added to the final cake roll, which is very delicate and soft, you can try it.



Three eggs.
55 grams of fine sugar
30 grams of corn oil
40 grams of milk
60 grams of low-fat flour

How TO MADE Cream cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Vegetable oil, milk, and sugar are mixed evenly.

2. Add sifted low starch flour and stir thoroughly.

3. Put the egg yolk in the egg-making pot and stir.

4. The protein is gradually added to the sugar until it is clearly streaked, and the final state is moist and semi-dry, picking up the egg head, with a slight curve at the tip.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take some of the protein and mix it evenly in the egg yolk paste in step 3.

6. Pour the dough from 3 back into the protein dough and cut evenly.

7. The dough is poured evenly into the toaster, and the dough is filled with the toaster with a scraper.

8. 180°C, about 15 minutes, depending on the situation

9. Light cream with sugar, a little hard, evenly painted on the upper side of the cake.

10. Roll the cake rolls, refrigerate for one to two hours, then cut the cake rolls with a warm knife.


Handy cooking tips

  1. first mix the liquid, then add the flour, finally add the egg yolk and the egg yolk paste that is mixed is very delicate 2.28*28 baking pan baked cake roll 200 g light cream is just rightIf you're afraid of heat, you can lose weight.