The medicine of the mountains

2023-10-29 13:51:31BAKING


  Oh, I've been thinking about it.



20 seedless dates
2 tablets of white pepper
25 grams of milk powder
1 teaspoon of oil
1 teaspoon of perfume

How TO MADE The medicine of the mountains

Steps 1 to 4

1. The date is washed, boiled in water for a day, cooked for 30 minutes, pulled out, peeled, if not to the core date, also to the core.

2. Crush with a spoon

3. In a non-sticky pan, put a small spoon of oil, stir for two minutes, evaporate some of the moisture, turn off the fire and put a small spoon of perfume oil.

4. Finished filling

Steps 5 to 8

5. Wash the herbs, split into two sections and cook with the skin (30 minutes)

6. Tear off the skin and crush it into clay with a mortar stick.

7. Add the milk powder, stir repeatedly, be sure to crush it into a powder, and finally into a lump

8. It's 45 grams each.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Like a bag of soup, the middle of the bun is squeezed out, placed in about 20 grams of date pulp, slowly harvested, squeezed into a lump, the skin must be evenly thick

10. The water is boiled for 2 minutes, so that the milk powder melts, and the dates and herbs adhere tightly.

11. It tastes smooth.

12. It's cold, and it's wrapped in cooked cornstarch.

Steps 13 to 16

13. After moulding, pressing and molding

14. The stereotype.

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