Flower bouquet cupcake

2023-10-29 13:51:32BAKING





Five eggs
240 grams of low-fat flour
150 grams of corn oil
100 grams of milk
275 grams of refined sugar
A moderate amount of sugar
Adequate intake of food dyes
A moderate amount of transparent glaze

How TO MADE Flower bouquet cupcake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the eggs in a mixing bowl and add fine sugar.

2. Delivered to the White House

3. Pour into the milk

4. Pouring into corn oil

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir evenly

6. Low-fat flour poured into the sieve

7. Balancing the scales

8. Put the mixed cake in a bowl.

Steps 9 to 12

9. And then it's poured into a paper cup on the grill.

10. Lower middle layer into preheated oven 180 degrees 30 minutes

11. Dry and cool after cooking

12. Take a piece of sugar paste and slice it into thin slices.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Brush a thin layer of glaze on the surface of the cake

14. Then cover the surface with sliced sugar paste, squeeze it with a blender, and cut off the excess sugar along the edges.

15. Take another piece of sugar and add a little bit of food coloring to bring out the desired color.

16. Flattened and pressed into shape with a pressing mold

Steps 17 to 20

17. Rearrange the shape of the cushion on the sponge cushion to give it a more three-dimensional feel

18. It can also be pressed into small flower shapes to produce different deep and light colors depending on the amount of drip pigment.

19. The flowers are watered on the back, then placed on the surface of the cake wrapped in sugar peel, crossed and arranged, and finally placed in a silver bead decoration in the center of the flower.

20. Map of the finished product

Steps 21 to 24

21. Map of the finished product

22. Map of the finished product

23. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  1. the delivery of the whole egg must reach the required level, otherwise the operation is easy to fade; as for the delivery of the state to be reached, the last batch of egg liquid on the egg head leaves traces of partial dripping, it lasts about 10 seconds, this state can disappear; 2. when performing the sugaring operation, it is necessary to apply a layer of white oil specialized for sugaring on the hands, so that it can effectively prevent adhesion, it should be known that sugaring is very sticky; 3.