My wife's cake.

2023-10-29 13:52:40BAKING





Filling materials: moderate
Proper amount of fruit
A moderate amount of coconut
Moderate amount of sesame
Pork fat in moderation
Milk powder in moderation
The oil skin of the leather material: moderate
80 grams of wheat flour
30 grams of pork fat
10 grams of flour
1/4 teaspoon of salt
35 grams of water
Oils and fats: moderate
80 grams of low-fat flour
35 grams of pork fat
Decoration: moderate
A moderate amount of egg juice

How TO MADE My wife's cake.

Steps 1 to 4

1. The practice of self-refining pork oil: fat pork is cut into small pieces, cleaned, put in a frying pan, add a small bowl of water, and cook on high heat.

2. Then turn it over and cook it slowly.

3. The water is added to prevent the meat from suddenly heating up and turning brown.

4. The resulting pork fat is whiter and more fragrant after cooling.

5. After boiling the water, it must be turned to the smallest fire slowly, you will see that the water gradually disappears, and the oil slowly becomes more) the whole process is a small fire, to avoid the fire is too big to cook the oil sludge and destroy the taste and composition of the oil, the whole process does not need a cover, just start the oil a little stirring a few times, to avoid uneven heating.

6. Remove the oil sludge, pour the oil into the container after it has cooled completely, seal it and refrigerate it (be careful not to pour the sludge from the bottom of the pan into it), if you can't finish it, you can also freeze it in bags.

7. If you want to extend the shelf life of pork fat, you can add a little salt when frying pork.

8. How to make a wife's pie: scoop a spoonful of pork fat in a small pot, add crushed fruit kernels after boiling, add coconut milk powder and white sesame seeds when stirring, mix until warm.

9. The practice of the wife's cake skin: mix the oil skin material evenly, rub it until it is smooth and loose for 30 minutes, then divide it into 10 small pieces of the same size.

10. The oil is mixed evenly and divided into 10 small groups of the same size.

11. Divide the filling into small groups of 10 grams each.

12. Wrapped in oil, rolled twice, loosened for 30 minutes, rounded, wrapped in a wife's cake filling, and then flattened.

13. The surface is cut with a small knife into two or three small holes, brushing the egg juice.

14. Put it in the oven.

15. 200 °C, roast for about 25 minutes.
