The zebra cake

2023-10-29 13:52:41BAKING


  It's very simple, it's very beautiful, it's very delicious.



40 grams of cooking oil
Five eggs
80 grams of low-fat flour
"40 grams of fresh milk"
Fine sugar (added protein) 40 grams
20 grams of refined sugar (with egg yolk)
5 grams of cocoa powder

How TO MADE The zebra cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare two clean bowls, no oil, no water, and then separate the protein and the egg yolk.

2. Mix the milk and oil together and stir evenly

3. Egg yolk with refined sugar, dispersed, mixed evenly

4. 2 into 3 and stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sieve in the low-fat flour (leave the same amount as the cocoa powder, etc. will be added), mix evenly, and then divide into two parts (here I'm roughly, if you use fractions, it will be more evenly 0

6. One of them adds cocoa powder and stir evenly.

7. Add the remaining low powder and stir evenly.

8. The protein is cooked until hard, and the fine sugar is added three times.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The two parts of the protein are added to the whole wheat flour and the cocoa flour separately, taking care to slice and stir.

10. Pour into the 8-inch mold, layer by layer, first pour a part of the whole low-powder dough, then pour into the cocoa dough, the first layer should be completely filled, then pour from the middle, slightly shake and pour into the next dough, finally shake the bubble

11. The delicious zebra cake is out of the oven.