Mango mousse cake

2023-10-29 13:52:48BAKING


  6 inches of cake



Two eggs.
50 grams of fine sugar
60 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of milk
150 grams of cream
130 grams of yogurt
150 grams of mango meat
50 grams of fine sugar
10 grams of gelatin
30 grams of water
White sugar 15 grams
100 grams of orange juice
5 grams of gelatin
Two small mangoes

How TO MADE Mango mousse cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. To make the base of the sponge cake (two eggs, 50 grams of fine sugar, 60 grams of low-fat flour), the protein and egg yolk are separated.

2. Low screening powder.

3. The protein is added to the sugar in an oil-free, water-free bowl.

4. It reaches a dry (or slightly wet) state.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk to the protein.

6. Two or three more minutes.

7. The dough is mixed with a scribble (non-stirring circle) method.

8. The bag of flowers is placed in the mouth of the finger cookie.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is then placed in a bag of flowers for backup (at this point the oven can be preheated).

10. The size of the cake is drawn on the baking sheet, the baking sheet is reversed, and the dough is squeezed into a round cake shape.

11. Put the dough in a preheated oven, heat it up to 180°C, bake the middle layer for about 10 minutes, until the surface is golden yellow and ready for cooking.

12. I used the process diagram from the last few times, so the shape of the sponge cake is different, just for reference.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Make a yogurt mousse (20 grams of milk, 150 grams of soft cream, 130 grams of yogurt, 150 grams of mango flesh, 50 grams of fine sugar, 10 grams of gelatin) and soak the gelatin in ice water for a while.

14. Soft bubble press purified water.

15. Heat the milk separator, put in the foam gelatin slices and stir until completely melted;

16. After cooling slightly, pour into the yogurt and stir evenly.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Mango peels the flesh of the fruit.

18. Made into clay by cooking machine.

19. Light cream to six shades.

20. Add the mango paste.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Mixed.

22. Add the gelatin solution and mix evenly.

23. In the underwater cake mold, put a piece of cake (which looks a little smaller than the bottom) in it.

24. Pour into a moderate amount of mousse paste.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Put another piece of cake on it.

26. Pour into the mousse paste until the mold is 8 degrees high, gently stir on the table, put in the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than 4 hours.

27. Make a surface jelly layer (30 grams of water, 15 grams of sugar, 100 grams of orange juice, 5 grams of gelatin, 2 small mangoes) with a little water and sugar, heat it until the sugar melts;

28. Add the gelatin slices of the soft foam, also stir until melted; pour into the orange-flavored fruit juice mixture, dry for cooling.

Steps 29 to 32

29. The mango is peeled, cut in half along the core, and then cut into thin slices.

30. Carefully circle the cake with clean chopsticks one by one, paying attention to the short side starting from the center, gradually you can circle it into a flower shape, the process is not difficult, you need a little patience.

31. Slowly pour into the cooled jelly.

32. Put it in the fridge for about two hours.


Handy cooking tips

  The ratio of gelatin coagulation is 1:40, but this is only the basic ratio, it needs to be higher to make jelly, especially in summer when it is outdoors, it must be increased accordingly, otherwise it is easy to be deformed by high temperature.The edge of the mold can be heated with a hot towel or a blower until it can be naturally removed from the mold, it is recommended to use a blower, blow on one side, blow on the other side, rotate so that it is evenly heated, if the edge is slightly melted, it can be refrigerated for a while.There is no heart-shaped mold, but you can use a 6-inch round live-bottom mold.