Six-year-old birthday cake for his son

2023-10-29 13:53:01BAKING





100 grams of low-fat flour
5 eggs
60 grams of milk
45 grams of corn oil
1 gram of salt
35 grams of fine sugar
Five of them.
A few drops of lemon.
40 grams of fine sugar
1L of whipped cream
80 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Six-year-old birthday cake for his son

Steps 1 to 4

1. I've got all the ingredients ready, and I'm going to divide the five eggs with an egg separator.

2. Spread the egg yolk with an egg beater, then add sugar, corn oil, pure milk, salt to melt the sugar, add low-fat flour to the cooking pattern and slowly open the flour

3. Add the first sugar when the egg whites are added to the lemon juice with an electric egg beater to hit the fish eye bubble, explain (40 g of sugar added three times), add the second sugar when the protein is delicate, add the third sugar when the protein has a little resistance when the protein is hit as shown in the picture there are two small pointed corners, don't overdo it.

4. Add the beaten protein three times to the egg yolk dough, using a stirring pattern to stir the egg yolk and protein evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. That's it, take the bowl two centimeters high, shake the steam bubble, preheat the oven for a few minutes, bake on 170 degrees for 55 minutes.

6. I took it out of the oven immediately after it was cooked, and I did it in the afternoon, and I let it cool overnight.

7. I forgot to take a picture, prepare the material.

8. Divide the baked chicken cake in half, put cream in the middle, I like to eat cream so I put a little more, put my favorite fruit on it, put a layer of cream on it, put the chicken cake on top.

Steps 9 to 12

9. In a layer of cream, I made it myself for the first time, uneven, inclusive.

10. And then there's the modeling, and then there's the swan party, and then there's the modeling, and then there's the modeling.

11. Don't blame your son for what he did to your daughter.