17 hours of refrigerated toast

2023-10-29 13:53:04BAKING


  17 hours of refrigeration is the basis of the bread master Unicorn's original bread dough, with this method of fermentation, the dough is more easily rubbed out of the membrane, and the dough is strong after fermentation, the baked finished product has a high degree of expansion, the moisture retention is also better, it can be stored for a long time, in my refrigerator, I often put such a piece of dough in the dough, I can always combine other main dough materials according to my taste, make all kinds of bread and toast



175 grams of high-strength powder (medium)
Water (medium) 100 grams
Salt (medium) 2 g
Yeast (medium) 2 g
5 grams of milk powder
75 grams of gold
30 grams of egg juice
25 grams of butter
1 gram of salt
1 g of yeast
30 grams of water
8 grams of milk powder
30 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE 17 hours of refrigerated toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, the material of the main ingredient column is used to make the medium: the yeast of the medium is dissolved in water;

2. Add the other ingredients to the mixture (the mixture does not have to be mixed to a certain stage, as long as it is mixed);

3. The dough is placed in a fresh-keeping bag, aired out, knotted at the opening of the bag, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours in the refrigerator (if there is no time, the dough can be stored in the refrigerator for an additional period of time, but not more than 72 hours);

4. The fermented medium has a honeycomb interior with a sour taste (as shown in the figure);

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put all the main dough materials and the middle seeds together, except for the butter of the auxiliary bar, knead until the dough surface is smooth, you can pull out a slightly thick thin film, then add butter and knead until the full stage, that is, you can pull out a large transparent thin film, roll it, put it in a bowl, cover it with a fresh preservative film for half an hour.

6. The dough is lightly pressurized, divided into three equal parts, rolled, and covered with a preservative film for 15 minutes.

7. One by one, the dough is formed into an elliptical shape;

8. Turn over, fold inwards from the upper and lower third (as shown), cover with a preservative film and squeeze again for 10 minutes;

Steps 9 to 12

9. After slicing, the dough is stretched again, rolled from top to bottom, and squeezed at the mouth;

10. The rolled dough is poured into the mold and placed in a warm, moist place for final fermentation;

11. Finally, after fermentation, a thin layer of whole egg liquid is applied to the surface;

12. The toast mold is placed in the lower layer of the oven preheated to 180 degrees in advance, baked for 35 minutes, the baked toast is immediately removed from the mold, placed on the grill and sealed after the slices have cooled.


Handy cooking tips

  It is best to refrigerate the medium for 17 hours. If you do not have time to do it, you can leave it for a longer time. But not more than 72 hours, because the medium has already been fermented, so after mixing with other dough materials into dough, you do not have to ferment to what stage, as long as you can do it for 30 minutes.