Colorful carols

2023-10-29 13:53:54BAKING





TPT120G (60G of almond powder + 60G of self-grinding sugar powder) in moderation
Protein (protein of aging) 22.5 g
Colored powder
Starting with protein (aging protein) 22.5 grams (if fresh
a small amount of protein powder needs to be added)
60 grams of white sugar
15 grams of water

How TO MADE Colorful carols

Steps 1 to 4

1. The syrup is first heated with a small fire to prevent the sugar from melting completely and crystallizing, you can gently shake the pot to help dissolve, there can be no sugar grains around the pot, you must melt the sugar completely before boiling.

2. Don't touch it again when it starts to boil, turn on the fire, and put the thermometer away (my thermometer can't stay in the heater for long, so I bought a potholder so that the thermometer doesn't come into contact with the hot pot).

3. At this point it's about 6-70 degrees, pick up the egg-breaker and send the prepared protein to hardness (this part I think: unsweetened protein is difficult to keep stable after serving, so I added an additional 5 grams of fine sugar to this part), the syrup is cooked to 115 degrees and immediately turned off (the temperature of the pot itself will also raise the temperature, the required temperature of the syrup is 116-118 degrees), take out the thermometer, pour the thin line into the protein that is being served at high speed and serve it at high speed until it hardens.

4. Add the coloring powder and stir evenly to lower the protein temperature.

Steps 5 to 8

5. (The color after the addition of the powder is basically the color of the baked goods, it is recommended to use the powder)

6. The hard protein should be able to pull out the sharp edges, but it's still hard for me to do that.

7. But I can basically pick up the head of the egg, and the protein doesn't fall off right away, and it's very sticky, and it's very shiny.

8. I would like to mention in particular this part of the protein, the peppermint tea said that after adding high-temperature syrup, the protein has to be sent at high speed in a warm environment to reach hardness, how to keep warm, she is next to a hot water bowl.

9. And my actual operation, one hand pouring the syrup, one hand pounding the protein, often causes the syrup to condense on the side of the bowl and on the head of the egg.

10. From my experience of making beef rolls, I use a bowl of warm water, and when I pour the syrup, I let the protein bowl sit directly in the warm water bowl, and when I pour the syrup, the protein bowl is rotated in the warm water, so that the poured syrup is distributed evenly.

11. After the syrup is poured, it is immediately removed, the hot water is poured into the syrup pot, the egghead of the protein is also placed in the pot, and the back is easy to clean.

12. Send a good Italian protein cream and wait for it to cool, prepare the almond flour, sugar powder and protein mixed until the dry powder is invisible.

13. (If a pigment is used, add ⁇ to this part)

14. Be careful that the color is two degrees deeper than you want it to be, because the color will fade after mixing with the protein, and it will fade a little bit more when baking.

15. )

16. Take a good Italian-style protein cream 39-41 grams, add it to the almond powder twice, add 35 grams for the first time, mix until you can't see the almond paste, use a scraper to press the dough on the side of the bowl and spread it about 10 times, this is to distribute the protein evenly, this part cannot be pressed too many times, the surface of the baked macaroni will be oily.

17. Finally, a small amount of protein cream is added according to the state of the dough, mixed by stirring until the dough is raised with a scraper to a state of intermittent fall, the falling lines do not disappear immediately.

18. Specific operating techniques can be found in the video of mixing macaroni dough for babies.

19. The mixed dough is placed in a bag of flowers, and the dough is pushed to the front with a scraper.

20. The arm is easier to move when the oil-covered grill (the golden grill of the rabbit's house is in turn used to squeeze the dough) is covered with oil.

21. Vertically squeeze the dough with a diameter of about 2.5 cm, with more practice you can squeeze the dough with a uniform size, squeeze it all and then gently knead the dough with a palm in the bottom of the grill, flatten the dough, shock out small bubbles, the surface bubbles can be punctured with a toothbrush, so that the surface of the skin is smooth.

22. The resulting dough is about the same size as chocolate when it's cooked, but it's a little bigger when it's spread out, and a little bigger when it's baked.

23. About 25 eggs can be squeezed on a 27.5 x 27.5 cm grill.

24. I've got about 22 or 24 doughnuts, and I've got a plate of doughnuts.

25. The oven is at 160 degrees, put the grill in the middle, open the oven for about half a minute, turn it off, try it by hand, feel warm, put a plate of dough in the dryer, for about 15 minutes you can peel, in this time you can clean all the tools you have used.

26. (The small round paste is very shiny before the peel, and becomes pale after the peel.)

27. The finger lightly touches a bit like a soft-shell egg, so the surface coagulates, when baking, the dough can't go anywhere because of the high temperature expansion, it can only leak from the bottom to form the skirt side) to control the degree of clumping, when baking on the basis of maintaining the height of the skirt side as much as possible, so that the dough remains inside the macaroni shell, which is also the key.
