Grape coconut balls

2023-10-29 13:53:55BAKING


  It's a delicious biscuit, and it's soft and fragrant.With a cup of coffee, it's nice.



30 grams of flour
Low powder 85 grams
40 grams of raisins
50 grams of butter
25 grams of flour
10 ml of cream

How TO MADE Grape coconut balls

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is removed in advance and softened at room temperature.

2. Stir evenly with an egg mixer.

3. Add sugar powder and boil until frothy, cotton-like.

4. Add a little light cream and stir quickly evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Until the butter and cream are completely mixed.

6. Add coconut to the mixture evenly.

7. Pre-soaked raisins are dried, cut into pieces and added to the dough.

8. Add low-mixed powder.

Steps 9 to 12

9. 15 grams each, rubbed into small round balls.

10. The Cass 50L oven is heated 130 degrees and heated 125 degrees for 25 minutes.

11. It's a soft, deliciously flavored grapefruit ball.

12. Let's try it together.


Handy cooking tips

  Coconut milk and sugar powder can be adjusted according to the taste of the population, it is important to note that the grapes should be cut first or crushed with a cooking machine (mainly depending on which type of grapes, it can be boiled and then cut) soaked in brandy for 3 hours in advance, and the water should be squeezed when used.When pressing into a ball, be careful not to use too much force, it can be softer.