Giraffe spotted cake rolls

2023-10-29 13:55:14BAKING


  I was very lucky to get a very powerful cooking machine to try, just before the baking class was over, so I used the new machine to make the cake rolls first.The ingredients: cake slices: 4 egg yolks, 35 grams of fine sugar, 40 grams of corn oil, 70 grams of milk, 82 grams of low-fiber flour, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 4 grams of protein, 30 grams of sugar decoration: 150 grams of buttermilk, 15 grams of sugar powder, a moderate amount of blueberry, a few drops of lemon juice



Four eggs.
35 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of corn oil
70 grams of milk
82 grams of low-fat flour
1 teaspoon of cornstarch
2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
Protein four
30 grams of fine sugar
150 grams of cream
15 grams of flour
Blueberries in moderation
A few drops of lemon.

How TO MADE Giraffe spotted cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Silicone pads with patterns on the grill

2. Add a layer of oil paper to the surface and fold it around.

3. Add 35 g of refined sugar to the egg yolk

4. Send it to the extent that the color fades and the volume expands.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pouring into corn oil

6. Pour into the milk

7. Low-fat flour after sifting

8. Keep stirring evenly

Steps 9 to 12

9. A few drops of lemon juice in the protein

10. Incremental addition of fine sugar to a wet semi-dry state, backup

11. Take 1/4 of the egg yolk and add the cornstarch.

12. Stir evenly

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take 1/4 of the protein and pour it into the freshly made egg yolk.

14. Stir evenly

15. Put it in a bag.

16. Cut an opening about 5 mm wide at the head of the bag, then extrude the shape on the grill according to the pattern of the bottom of the oil paper; send the grill into the middle layer of the preheated oven, bake at 170 degrees for about 1 minute, and dry on the stove.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Add cocoa powder to the remaining 3/4 egg yolk dough

18. Stir evenly

19. The original egg yolk dough left over before pouring

20. Mixed is cocoa paste

Steps 21 to 24

21. Pour the cocoa paste into the remaining 3/4 of the protein and stir evenly to make a cocoa cake paste.

22. Pour the cocoa cake paste into a dried baking tray, gently beat the bottom of the tray, and serve in the middle layer of the preheated oven, 170 degrees for 15 minutes

23. After cooking, gently drop the pan from a height of 20 cm.

24. Then use oil paper to remove the cake from the baking tray and uncover the oil paper around the cake.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Cover the surface of the cake with a clean sheet of oil paper, use the tool to turn the cake upside down, remove the oil paper from the side with the pattern, and then lay it along the original tracks

26. Flip the cake again, cut the two short edges of the cake at a 45-degree angle with a knife, and gently cut a few lines on the body of the cake.

27. Add sugar powder to the light cream, start applying evenly along one side of the cake, leaving the last tail about 3 cm wide without applying cream, place a moderate amount of blueberries on the top of the cake

28. It is then slowly rolled up with a rolling stick, and finally wrapped in clean oil and paper, refrigerated, and shaped into edible pieces.

Steps 29 to 32

29. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  1. use the cook's machine to spread the protein, be careful, quickly spread it to the desired state and slowly beat it; 2. when mixing the cocoa powder into the egg yolk dough, be sure to sift it first, otherwise the dough will have small residues of insoluble lumps like what I did; 3. when rolling, start when there is some residual heat, wait until it is completely cooled and then the roll is easy to crack;