Simple happiness - a cookie with a sour taste

2023-10-29 13:55:59BAKING


  In recent days, six more carcinogenic snacks have been announced in the news, many of which are commonly eaten by children.For example, pie, whether it's egg yolk pie or chocolate pie, is a typical artificial food, and it's a delicious, flavorful, flavorful food that's made with a lot of different additives.A small piece of pie, made from nearly 30 ingredients: hydrogenated oils (containing trans-fatty acids, harmful to the cardiovascular system), sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, expanding agents, fragrances, pigments, thickeners, antioxidants, and a wide variety of food additives.This is just the tip of the iceberg.In fact, most bakeries stack food with additives.The least judgmental are the children.I went on a spring vacation with the kids the other day.I brought my daughter a pack of ordinary biscuits from Japan, just simple flower shapes, no bright appearance.The girls gave it to the other kids, and they all said they didn't want to eat it.On the way back, her companion took it out and tasted it, but couldn't pick it up, because it was too good to eat and ate the whole package!We can't control the environment, but we can control what we eat.I especially want to tell children about the dangers of additives so that they can make the healthiest choices when buying them.And with a small oven, a little bit of handwork, you have healthy and delicious food, making life simple and happy, why not hurry up?



135 grams of softened butter
50 grams of flour
15 grams of milk powder
1 teaspoon of salt
25 grams of cream
Low powder 150 grams moderate
35 grams of almond powder

How TO MADE Simple happiness - a cookie with a sour taste

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the materials are ready.

2. Low-powdered mixture of starch powder (almond powder) and starch.

3. I made it myself in the cooking machine.

4. When I think about it, there are also big almonds.

5. It's good to eat.

6. Add the butter, sugar powder, salt, and milk powder.

7. Enlargement of the hair follicle.

8. Add the cream to stir evenly.

9. Add low powder to stir evenly.

10. Put some flowers in the bag.

11. 180 degrees 15 to 20 minutes.

12. ?