Apple and rose

2023-10-29 13:56:20BAKING





Low flour 100 grams
30 grams of butter
Two apples
30 grams of white sugar
250 grams of clean water
Honey in moderation

How TO MADE Apple and rose

Steps 1 to 4

1. The raw materials used are ready.

2. Apples cut in half, sliced.

3. Pour clean water into the pot, then add white sugar.

4. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice and boil it into a syrup.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in the apple pie.

6. Boil the apple slices softly for about a minute, picking up the dried water.

7. The butter is mixed with the flour and the butter and flour are rubbed evenly by hand.

8. Pour in a moderate amount of boiled apple cooled syrup water and dough.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the dough on the board and cut it into slices, the thinner the better.

10. Cut the growth strip.

11. After cooking the apple slices, press one before the other and place them in turn, one can hold 7.8 slices.

12. Roll the screen from right to left.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Close the door.

14. Roll up the roses and apples and put them in the cake mold.

15. Put in a preheated oven, medium layer, 180 degrees, up and down the fire, 30 minutes.

16. Brush the honey five minutes before cooking.

17. After baking, you can sprinkle some sugar powder.
