Cake with spinach

2023-10-29 13:56:42BAKING


  My husband bought a bunch of spinach, cooked some of it, and thought about how to get rid of the rest.It's just that my son is yelling that he wants to eat cake, so I'm going to make a spinach cake.



120 grams of low-fat powder
Three eggs.
100 grams of spinach juice
20 grams of corn oil
90 grams of white sugar
A little salt.
Two drops of white vinegar

How TO MADE Cake with spinach

Steps 1 to 4

1. The spinach is boiled in water to make a spinach juice, and the other ingredients are weighed.

2. Eggs are separated into whey and yolk.

3. Add one-third of the white sugar to the egg yolk and stir.

4. Pour it into the corn oil and stir.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in the spinach juice.

6. Low-fiber powder and a little salt

7. Turn up and down until the dough is flourless.

8. Add two drops of white vinegar to the fish eyeballs, and then add the remaining white sugar.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Protein is hardened into foam

10. Take half of the protein cream and put it in the egg yolk and stir evenly from top to bottom.

11. Then pour the mixed egg yolk back into the protein cream and stir evenly.

12. Pour the cake paste into the mold without touching it, shaking the bubbles for a few seconds.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Preheat the oven and bake at 150 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  The container of protein and egg yolk must be without oil or water, the cake paste must always be stirred from top to bottom, not circled to avoid foaming.