Sponge cake with whole eggs

2023-10-29 13:56:44BAKING


  Recently, I've been studying how the cake tastes in various ways, and I've always said that the cup cake should be shrunk, a little bit, and I've been trying to study it again, and after trying it, I've come to the conclusion that it's made according to this recipe.It looks good.



70 grams of low-fat flour
Three eggs.
40 grams of white sugar
20 grams of refined milk
20 grams of butter
10 grams of milk

How TO MADE Sponge cake with whole eggs

Steps 1 to 4

1. The milk is still in the fridge. Other ingredients are welcome.

2. The eggs are scattered and added to the white sugar.

3. Play for three minutes at high speed, then four minutes at medium speed, for a total of about seven to nine minutes.

4. (In summer, you can do it directly, but in winter it's better to put a plate of hot water at about 50 degrees below.)

Steps 5 to 8

5. The toothpick can be inserted without falling.

6. Sift into a low powder, preferably two more times, and mix well.

7. Mix into the cake dough, be careful not to turn the dough around.

8. Put the butter and milk in a small bowl to insulate the water from the heat.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put a small spoon of cake dough in the buttermilk and mix it, then pour it back into the cake dough.

10. The middle cups are five and six, the small cups are seven and eighteen, the oil and paper cups are nine and ten.

11. The surface is covered with almond flakes.

12. It can be filled in eight minutes.

13. Preheat the oven 160 degrees, middle and lower layers for 20 minutes.

14. In the last three minutes or so, the middle and upper layers can be colored.

15. It's out.


Handy cooking tips

  The idea of adding milk: the taste doesn't dry out.I need three eggs, two eggs are enough.Don't reduce the sugar, because I don't like it to be too sweet either, this recipe suits most people's taste, it's less bad, it's too light to eat and it doesn't taste good.