Banana and chocolate muffins

2023-10-29 14:06:23BAKING


  I like small things, so make the muffins small, one bite at a time.The sweetness of the banana and the chocolate give this little heart an unparalleled flavor, and the muffin with the banana paste is wetter and sweeter! Although the use of vegetable oil does not make her inferior to butter, it is lower in calories and less burdensome.The process is also very simple, all you have to do is stir, and it's a delicious dish worth trying!



160 grams of bananas
Low flour 100 grams
Two whole eggs.
50 grams of sesame oil
60 grams of fine sugar
60 grams of chocolate
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

How TO MADE Banana and chocolate muffins

1. Cut the banana peel into small pieces, put it in a bowl, grind it into clay with a spoon, and use it as a backup.

2. Low-powder and low-soda mixture evenly sifted, spare.

3. Oil + white sugar + egg juice, stir until the white sugar melts.

4. Then add the powder and stir evenly, but do not over-stir.

5. Finally, add the banana paste, stir slightly, then add the chocolate chip (you can like any flavor of chocolate), and gently stir.

6. In the mold, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

7. After preheating, put it in the oven, bake it at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, and you're done!

Handy cooking tips

  The dough should not be stirred vigorously, stirring excessive dough will give the baked cake a slightly firm flavor, and the muffin should be light and soft to the touch.