Honey cake rolls

2023-10-29 14:07:13BAKING


  The square comes from the Japanese pastry master's creative cake 50 kinds of honey cake rolls in the city of Yangon.It's huge, and I'm dividing it all by 10.It's basically four eggs, a whole plate of 28 by 28.



Two eggs.
Two eggs.
60 grams of fine sugar
18 grams of water
50 grams of low-fat flour
46 grams of milk
Protein two.
30 grams of fine sugar
200 grams of cream
24 grams of honey

How TO MADE Honey cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Two proteins are divided three times with 30 grams of sugar, until the hard foam, lifting the egg beater with a small curved tip

2. Whole eggs with egg yolk, 60 grams of added sugar, 18 grams of added water, sent to thicken, lift the eggs, the whole egg juice does not slip all at once, but has a slow drip.

3. Take half of the protein and stir evenly with the whole egg juice, and then take the remaining protein and mix it completely.

4. Sieve into the powder, with a scraper, from the bottom of the bowl, stirring.

Steps 5 to 8

5. I've always used the Koizumi teacher's method: scrape the knife from the 2 o'clock side, go through the bottom of the pot, flip from the 8 o'clock position, then turn the pot clockwise to the 2 o'clock position, repeat this action until there is no dry powder.

6. Pour the milk with a scraper and continue to mix in this way until there is no liquid.

7. Pour into the mold, oven middle layer.

8. Previously, it was preheated at 170 degrees, put in the oven at 160 degrees, and baked for 25 minutes.

9. The original method didn't know how big the grill was, but the master used 960 grams of dough to bake it, and it felt very thin.

10. But my one with the grill is almost full, so it's okay, the stove cools down a little bit.

11. Dry after cooking.

12. My grill is non-sticky, so I didn't lay anything, and if your grill isn't, you need to lay oil paper or a high-temperature oil cloth.

13. Light cream with honey, and 3 grams of seaweed sugar, which I didn't add.

14. After launching, it was painted on the cake.

15. I'm rolling the front in, and the color and dryness of the front is fine, but I'm also rolling the back, so I'm also rolling the back.

16. The body of this cake is relatively soft, there is no crack when rolled, and there is no sign of cracking.

17. Let's talk about the method of rolling: I wait for the cake to get cold and warm, then I take it out, and I put it on the front of the baking net, down and down.

18. Prepare a preservative film, turn the back to the preservative film, and put it away.

19. I cut off the left and right sides, because the edges of the cake roll are harder and easier to crack, so it's easier to cut and roll.

20. At the end of the cake roll, cut a small triangle with a sharp knife.

21. The cream is painted on the side that is closer to my body, a little more on this side, a little less on the far side (as in the picture above), I didn't paint it full, the cream is still squeezed out.

22. Use the preservative to lift the cake roll, gently roll it in, press the edge with your finger, try to roll it in, roll it more than half a circle, you can use your hand to make a shape, roll the cake round.

23. After finishing, wrap the roll with a preservative film, put it in the refrigerator and let the cream set the shape.

24. (My cream is too thin, I don't beat it enough, so it's flat for a while, so it's not ugly) Put the rolls in the plate, remove the preservative, cut one with kitchen paper, put it on top, and filter the sugar powder decoration.


Handy cooking tips

  The recipe is so sweet that you can consider reducing it by 10-20 grams.* Cream is not sweet, I think it's okay to eat it with cream, if you change to fruit sauce or something sweet, please consider sweetness