Cake rolls

2023-10-29 14:07:25BAKING





Eggs 5
Low-fat flour 80
Corn starch (raw flour) 10
Oil and gas 50
Milk and orange juice 70
White sugar 90

How TO MADE Cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Protein and sugar, until it's moist.

2. Mix the sesame oil and milk evenly, add the sifted flour, stir for a few minutes, soak the flour, and finally mix the egg yolk thoroughly.

3. One-third of the protein is mixed with the yolk.

4. Mix well, pour back into the protein, stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour into the oil-coated oven, flatten, oven middle layer, 150 degrees for 20 minutes

6. Turn it upside down, tear off the oil paper while it's hot, cool it down, flip it over, and put your favorite sauce on it.

7. Roll the oil paper with a toothpick, tighten it slightly, and wrap it well.

8. After cooling, cut and eat.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Isn't that beautiful?

10. .

11. .


Handy cooking tips

  Don't use peanut or olive oil.Two tablespoons of sugar can be at least 70, but 90 is still good to eat, 70 is no longer sweet, after all, we make dessert.The three proteins hit the moist foam and lifted the egg beater, the tip of the protein pulled out can stand up, but the tail is curved.