Olivia Cupcake is a private dessert

2023-10-29 14:07:39BAKING


  I've been watching the bankruptcy sisters lately, and I'm deeply in love with MAX, and I didn't expect that the women would also like to bake, haha, to see the lovely Sophie so fond of eating cupcakes made by MAX, and to see the white-haired Catherine running her paper cupcake house with MAX, and so on, and it's a really good feeling, and it made me want to open a bakery.



Low flour 100 grams
27 grams of unsalted butter
40 grams of whole milk
65 grams of refined sugar (sugar powder)
Three eggs.
1 gram of salt
6 models of modular sizes
6 to 8 oil and paper cups
Cupcake cream in moderation
Cream cheese (cream cheese) 140 g (soft in the greenhouse)
Unsalted butter 35 g (greenhouse softening)
35 grams of flour
Colorful candy
cupcake creativity without limits

How TO MADE Olivia Cupcake is a private dessert

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the mold and the material, then preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.

2. Prepare a bowl of hot water (60-80 degrees)

3. Whole eggs, sugar, salt in a container

4. The water is heated for about two minutes, and the hot water is sprayed when the water in the basin is about 40 degrees (slightly higher than body temperature).

Steps 5 to 8

5. The hot water can be used to soften the butter.

6. Continuous high-speed delivery of whole egg juice, which is white and very thick and sticky, with no liquidity, for about 3-4 minutes

7. Sift into low powder, stir lightly and quickly in a clockwise direction + slice (many different stirring), try to complete the mixing action within half a minute, reduce the desiccation of the eggs

8. The cake is baked and put aside.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Butter that melts above 40 degrees is mixed with fresh milk

10. Use a scraper to slightly cover it, gently pour it into the cake paste, still stir quickly + stir (it's easier to melt after adding butter, so it moves faster)

11. After stirring evenly, use a spoon to pour the cake paste into the paper cup mold, fill it for about 7.8 minutes, and the remaining cake paste can be used to fill the paper cup on an ordinary eggplant cushion.

12. Place in the middle layer of a preheated oven and heat for 180°23 minutes (different from your own oven, temperature adjusted)

Steps 13 to 16

13. Wait for the oven to stop, wait for 2.3 minutes to take out the cake embryos, then remove the mold, the surface of the sponge cake embryos is very smooth, and it smells very good.

14. CUPCAKE cream and flower decoration materials: indoor soft cream cheese (cream cheese), indoor soft unsalted butter, sugar powder

15. Unsalted butter is sent to a smooth, delicate state

16. Added to cream cheese (cream cheese), the sugar powder continues to spread into a light cream-like shape.

Steps 17 to 20

17. You can add a few drops of wine or spices to the taste, or you can take a small portion and add 1.2 drops of natural dyes (or cocoa powder, tea powder, etc.) to the mixture evenly, and you can turn it into cheese cream of different colors, deep and shallow according to your preference.

18. Don't use 8 teeth or 10 teeth, it's recommended to use 6 teeth, the pattern is clearer and more beautiful (I use 8 teeth here, the pattern doesn't look good)

19. Insert the flower bag into a deeper mold and then pour it into the flower bag with a scraper

20. It's very simple to squeeze the flowers on a paper cupcake, like making a biscuit, from the inside out to the inside out (or the outside in) and the pattern here is not very clear.

Steps 21 to 24

21. There are thousands of cupcake decorations, the creativity is limitless, the key is to look at your mood (here I use decorations like candy beads).

22. Depending on your creativity, sprinkle different colors of candy, look good and eat good cupcake paper cup cake is ready (the day you can't finish it can be stored in the refrigerator), sometimes you will make some more paper cup cake to share with everyone, this decoration and cake body is the simplest, the cut is also beautiful, but it is harder than muffin cake without fresh milk.

23. This cupcake is made by adding a few drops of strawberry-flavored pigment, replacing the six-toothed hardboard pattern, and the lines are very clear.

24. A cupcake, a cup of fruit tea, a casual afternoon tea, chatting with your girlfriend, life is simple and beautiful.

Steps 25 to 28

25. I'm a sugar-sweetened little yellow man cupcake, and I'll write about it for you next time.

Handy cooking tips

  The oven must be preheated in advance, there are actually several different types of cream, next time I will send some more for your reference; the cake paste must be sent to be white and very thick and sticky; do not stir, stir + cut mix.