Black sesame toast

2023-10-29 14:09:23BAKING


  I've been making bread for a while, because it's all handmade and dough, and I don't dare to try it easily on toast that needs to be kneaded to the full stage, this is the first time I've tried it.Because it tastes good, it's written down for later reference, and it's a memorial.



250 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of fine sugar
Dry yeast 7.5 ml
2.5 ml of salt
12 grams of milk powder
40 grams of whole eggs
30 grams of butter
130 grams of water
30 grams of black sesame (to be ground)
30 grams of black sesame

How TO MADE Black sesame toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation, photo from the left starting with whole egg juice, cooked with a coarse black sesame powder, black sesame; from the right starting with butter softened at room temperature, with 30 grams of yeast watered in the recipe, the remaining 100 grams of water

2. Mix the flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, black sesame powder (excluding the 30 grams that are not beaten) evenly; then add the yeast, whole egg juice and the remaining water, start and knead

3. The dough is kneaded until it is slightly hardened, then the softened butter is added and the kneading continues (post-oil method) until the dough is kneaded to the full stage (which forms a tough thin film, even if pierced is a smooth round hole)

4. The dough is slightly peeled off and poured into the black sesame.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the black sesame seeds to the mixture and continue to knead until evenly distributed.

6. The finished dough is rolled slightly in a bowl and covered with a preservative film for the first fermentation.

7. 28°C, about 1 hour, fermentation to twice the size (finger inserts do not shrink or collapse after forming small holes)

8. Cut into six pieces, roll, cover with a preservative, and ferment for 15 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. A good dough is baked into an oval.

10. The dough is then rolled from the bottom to the top, placed in a mold, covered with a preservative film, and finally fermented to twice its size.

11. After fermentation, a layer of whole egg liquid is applied to the surface

12. Preheat the oven at 180°C for 10-20 minutes, cook on medium heat for 15 minutes, and add color to a satisfactory level.

Handy cooking tips

  Do not rely too much on the amount of water in the square, because the water absorption of different brands of flour is different, it must be added according to the situation of the flour, too wet is sticky, the hand is not good to rub, too dry the pulp production will be very slow and not easy to succeed, this degree must be grasped by constant attempts