Sweet potatoes

2023-10-29 14:09:24BAKING





200 grams of flour
100 grams of cooking oil
40 grams of flour
3 grams of powder
2 grams of baking soda
30 grams of whole eggs

How TO MADE Sweet potatoes

1. Mix the whole egg yolk and cooking oil evenly!

2. Add the powdered baking soda to the powdered baking soda, stir well, and form a cluster!

3. Rub it into a round ball at a rate of 20 grams per 20 grams, then press it flat, then press it again with your finger, don't push too hard, it will break!

4. The oven is 180 degrees, preheated, put in, take out after five minutes, brush the egg juice, sprinkle some sesame etc., depending on personal preference.

5. It's delicious, my husband says I'm the best cook, Mrs. Sherin's recipe!