Light cheese cake

2023-10-29 14:09:28BAKING


  Light cheese cakes seem simple, but they're always bad to make, either they're cracked at first, or they're colorless on the surface.The light cheese made with yogurt before tasted strange, it always didn't reach the taste I wanted! I changed a lot of recipes today, this is the best, the milk smells good.



125 grams of cheese
Two eggs.
35 grams of animal fat
80 grams of milk
33 grams of low-fat flour
15 grams of butter
50 grams of fine sugar
Fruit paste (or orange jelly
brush the surface) in moderation

How TO MADE Light cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Get the raw materials ready.

2. Cream cheese, light cream, and milk are placed directly into the food cooker cup and stirred evenly.

3. This makes the cheese dough thicker.

4. Pour out the mixed cheese paste, which may still have small particles, and stir it again with a manual egg beater.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk gradually and stir evenly with a manual egg beater.

6. Cut small pieces of butter into a liquid, add to the cheese paste and stir evenly.

7. A small amount is poured into the low-fat flour and gently stirred evenly with a hand-held egg beater.

8. Mix until the flour and cheese paste are completely mixed, and place the mixed cheese paste over the preservative film in the refrigerator and refrigerator.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Spread the protein, add a few drops of lemon juice, add fine sugar three times, stir until moist foam, raise the protein on top of the egg batter to the shape of a chicken tail, the protein in the bowl is delicate with a curved hook.

10. Remove the cheese paste from the refrigerator, take 1/3 of the protein into the cheese paste, and stir evenly from the bottom up with a rubber scraper.

11. Pour the remaining 2/3 of the protein back into the cream and continue to stir evenly, so that the cake paste is thick and delicate.

12. Pour the good cake paste into the mold.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Add water to the grill, put the cake mold in the grill, put it in the bottom of the preheated oven, 150 degrees, heat up and down, bake for more than 70 minutes.

14. This is the rise of the cake in the oven, discovering that the water is starting to bubble, adding some ice cubes to the oven to prevent the temperature from rising too high.

15. If the surface is not colored enough, it should be cooked on low heat and baked for a while, otherwise it is easy to turn black.

16. (This is the clue that Little Smart gave me, and it really worked!)

17. Take it out a little cooler.

18. Then turn the cake upside down.

19. In turn, it is placed in a cheese box, brushed on the surface, refrigerated for at least 1 hour, and the slices taste better.


Handy cooking tips

  Avoid high-temperature baking, otherwise it is easy to crack.It is best to make light cheese with a mold that is not stained, and if you use a normal mold, brush a lot of softening butter on the inside, otherwise it is easy to crack.Don't overdo it by hitting the moist foam.