Pizza with mushroom bacon

2023-10-29 14:11:02BAKING


  After a few days of rain on the weekend, the sun finally showed his smiling face, and on this warm afternoon it was appropriate to make some baking snacks.



200 grams of pizza flour
One tomato
One onion.
One egg.
Butter (olive oil) 12 grams
5 grams of white sugar
3 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
Warm water 40 degrees 90 milliliters
Two tablespoons of tomato sauce
Three slices of bacon
Two white mushrooms
Fresh beans in small quantities
Half a ham.
Masurilla cheese (two slices) 30 grams

How TO MADE Pizza with mushroom bacon

Steps 1 to 4

1. The yeast and warm water are mixed, then the flour is sifted, added butter, salt and white sugar, because it is felt that this time the moisture is enough, no more milk is added, the flour is mixed into a smooth dough.

2. Then put it in a container, cover it with a preservative film, and put it in the oven to ferment for 35 minutes until the dough is fermented to twice its original size.

3. During the fermentation of the dough, prepare to make the pizza sauce: slice the tomatoes, slice half the onions, put a little olive oil in the pot, first fry the onion seeds, then add the tomato seeds, tomato sauce, salt and pepper, add a little water, cook all the ingredients into a concentrate, turn off the fire, cool for backup thickness

4. Preparation of fillings: leftover onion slices, red pepper slices, mushroom slices, ham and bacon slices, whole egg juice

Steps 5 to 8

5. Scrub the pizza plate with a little olive oil (it turns out that it should be baking paper), then put the fermented dough into the pizza plate, spread it flat, leave a slightly thicker spot on the edge, use a fork to poke small holes in the dough, then put it in the oven at 200 degrees for 7 minutes.

6. Use a spoon to evenly apply a layer of cooked pizza sauce on the skin, sprinkle a little masurilla, then spread the prepared filling evenly on the pizza sauce, and finally sprinkle the remaining masurilla cheese on top.

7. Preheat the oven, heat it up to 200 degrees, evenly spread a layer of whole egg juice on the outside of the pizza, after preheating, put it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes!