Dried cream bread

2023-10-29 14:11:07BAKING


  I believe that many people should really like that thick milk fragrance and crisp bread dry, the extra toast is hard if you don't eat it in time, it's a pity to throw it away, just think about baking toast slices into bread dry, brush sauce is your own taste, very very good, strongly recommended to everyone!!! the finished product is almost not much different from bread talk, the key can be very good to eliminate the inedible bread and toast, instantly turn into a delicious snack, hurry up!



45 grams of raw milk
65 grams of milk
30 grams of butter
20 grams of honey
20 g of white sugar
Some of the dishes

How TO MADE Dried cream bread

1. Preheat the oven, cut the toast, 140 degrees, bake for 15 minutes

2. When the toast is cooked, the sauce can be prepared, the milk pot is heated and all the ingredients are mixed.

3. Remove the bread, brush both sides with the sauce, brush twice, so that the bread dries to absorb the sauce, 140 degrees, 15 to 20 minutes, try to dry the bread depending on the color, bake on both sides some light caramel color is best

4. Take it out to dry, put it in a sealed container, eat it if you want, people who lose weight pay attention to moderation!

Handy cooking tips

  Don't go to the TV or you'll get burned!