The pineapple bag

2023-10-29 14:11:08BAKING


  For this pineapple peel recipe, I made 10 pineapple bags that were just the right size.



Softened butter (pineapple peel) 45 g
50 grams of sugar powder
Whole egg juice (pineapple peel) 30 g
7 grams of milk powder
Salt (pineapple peel) 1/4 t
Low flour (pineapple peel) more than 80 grams
B: 170 grams of flour
B: 10 grams of milk powder
B: 40 grams of sugar
B: half a ton of salt
B: 20 grams of whole egg juice
B: dry yeast 1/2 t + 1/4 t
B: 70 grams of water
C: 20 grams of butter

How TO MADE The pineapple bag

1. First, make the pineapple peel.

2. Low powder 80G+1/4 t Salt mixed through a sieve; softened butter + sugar powder 50G mixed evenly, then added 30G of whole egg juice in stages, mixed evenly and added 7G of milk powder.

3. Softened butter + sugar powder 50 G mixed evenly, then added 30 G of whole egg juice in turn, mixed evenly and added 7 G of milk powder.

4. When it's all done, add the sifted flour and mix it into a dough.

5. The above steps are to make the pineapple peel, divided on average into 10 points, rolled round for backup.

6. To make the bread, mix the B-type material, soften it smoothly, add 20 g of softened butter, rub out the membrane, and then ferment it until it is more than twice the size.

7. (Many people say that it is difficult to rub the membrane with their hands, in fact it is easy to wrestle and tear, often wrestle, and you can add a little water after a while, and why the flour is very sticky, that is a normal phenomenon, the flour is not completely absorbed, etc.

8. The fermented dough should be exhausted, then divided into 10 parts, rolled in a circle, relaxed for about 15 minutes, the pineapple peel is rolled in a circle, covered with dough, rolled in a circle again.

9. It is then printed in a grid with pineapple bags.

10. None of them can be marked with a knife.

11. In the final fermentation, 30 minutes.

12. Brush the whole egg juice (so it's easy to color) 180 degrees, middle and lower layers, bake for about 20 minutes.
